RNC Staffer Fired for Expensing Night Club Outing

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The Republican National Committee staffer who expensed a $2,000 outing to a risque West Hollywood nightclub has been fired, RNC Chief of Staff Ken McKay said in a memo to committee members late Monday.
The February outing to Voyeur nightclub was apparently part of an effort to entertain young donors following a formal event at a hotel in Beverly Hills. Erik Brown, a RNC donor and president of Dynamic Marketing, Inc., says his company organized the event and billed the RNC for the party.
The firm was reimbursed $1,946.25. Brown said in a news release yesterday his company would be returning the money RNC Chairman Michael Steele is facing calls for his resignation following reports of his freewheeling spending, including the club event. McKay stressed in a statement the trip to Voyeur "was not an RNC sanctioned event and was not associated in any way with any RNC official event."
Read the full story here .