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Mihela Noroc gathered 500 of her portraits of women around the world in an unusual book called "The Atlas of Beauty." Read more below.
In the last four years I have traveled almost continuously around the world, photographing women and listening to their stories. Now I gathered 500 of these portraits in a unique book called The Atlas of Beauty.
Through this book I want to honor the wonderful women of our world. To show that their beauty has no bounds, so acceptance, love, and compassion shouldn't either.
I hope this book will get into many homes around the world, convincing more people that diversity is a treasure and not a trigger for conflicts and hate. We are very different but at the same time we are all part of the same family. -- Mihaela Noroc
Reprinted with permission from The Atlas of Beauty by Mihaela Noroc, copyright (c) 2017. Published by Ten Speed Press, a division of Penguin Random House, Inc. Photographs (c) 2017 by Mihaela Noroc
To purchase The Atlas of Beauty on Amazon, click here.