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kim davis

Kim Davis is trying to get marriage equality overturned by the Supreme Court

Yes, Kim Davis is back. Again. A brief filed this week by her lawyers at Liberty Counsel argues that the Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges ruling should be overturned.

Vatican excommunicates anti-LGBTQ+ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Viganò invited notoriously antigay Kentucky official Kim Davis to a meeting with the pope and has denounced the blessing of same-sex relationships.

Kentucky homophobe Kim Davis, who denied gay couples marriage licenses, must pay over $360,000

After a lengthy legal battle, Kim Davis owes more than $360,000 for violating the constitutional rights of a gay couple.

Kim Davis Must Pay $100K to One Gay Couple, Doesn't Have to  Pay Another

A jury awarded damages to one couple, but another jury didn't award anything to a different couple.

Kim Davis Might Have to Pay Damages to Gay Couples in Marriage License Case

She refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples; a jury will decide how much she owes those couples.

Tennessee May Allow Clerks to Refuse Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples

A bill passed by the House and pending in the Senate would allow anyone to refuse to solemnize a marriage that offends their conscience or religious beliefs.