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reed o'connor

Harvey Fierstein's 'Casa Valentina' Will Drag On

The Tony-nominated Broadway play about straight dads who dress as women adds two extra weeks of performances, and a film adaptation may not be far behind.

Ala. Marriage Equality Resumes Despite Roy Moore

An unconstitutional order from the antigay chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court blocked marriage equality in one county for one day. 

Readers deserve better than misinformation about trans care; a response to Pamela Paul

In a recent response to our articles criticizing misinformation in Pamela Paul's article on detransitioners, Pamela Paul dismisses transgender people and trans activist. Evan Urquhart and Erin Reed respond.

Military officers no longer exempt from Capitol Hill politics

A Democratic challenge to Gen. Peter Pace indicates that uniformed officers no longer are exempt from the partisan fire on Capitol Hill once reserved for civilian policymakers.

Texas AG Declares Trans Medical Care Child Abuse and Targets Parents

This follows the failure of a bill that would have led to parents supportive of trans children being jailed.

Debunked: This misleading NYT anti-trans column relies on pseudoscience

The opinion piece by Pamela Paul relies on routinely debunked disinformation and gets factual information wrong about transgender care. It is the latest NYT published piece to do so.

Texas Federal Judge: Companies Not Required to Cover PrEP

The judge says that although PrEP prevents HIV regardless of one’s sexual orientation, because gay people use it, it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


How gay is Superman?

Read the Advocate cover story that has Warner Bros. nervous about whether the gay appeal of Superman Returns is good for the box office. As featured in the Los Angeles Times and on the Drudge Report.

Welcome to Summer camp

Nicole Kidman and writer Paul Rudnick talk about remaking The Stepford Wives in an era when "traditional values" are scarier than ever