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Tom Corbett

Pa. Gov. Comes Out for LGBT Employment Protections

Philadelphia's Republican governor is making waves with his newly expressed support for employment nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people in his state.

Out Rep. Brian Sims Responds to Gov.'s Incest Comparison

Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims wrote a Facebook status update in response to governor Tom Corbett's interview on Friday, in which the Republican governor compared same-sex marriage to incest.

WATCH: Penn. Governor Makes Incest Comparison

Gov. Corbett makes an awkward comparison about marriage equality and incest.


WATCH: Out Lawmaker Introduces Pa. Marriage Equality Act

Meanwhile, a state official said that extending marriage benefits to same-sex couples was like 'giving money to people's pets.'


Stop the Pa. Gay Weddings, Orders Judge

More than 170 same-sex couples have already received marriage licenses since county official D. Bruce Hanes announced in July that he'd defy state law and marry gay and lesbian couples.

Penn. AG Won't Defend State's Marriage Ban

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said she "cannot ethically defend the constitutionality of Pennsylvania's version of DOMA. I believe it to be wholly unconstitutional."
