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I Advocate... Chely Wright

I Advocate... Chely Wright

...GLSEN. When my career began to take off--when I was deep in a very dark closet--I started a foundation called Reading, Writing, and Rhythm to support music education in public schools. I have visited many schools all over the country to meet with students. Occasionally I would see students I thought were gay and I wondered what they were going through. I felt ashamed that I couldn't say out loud, "Hey, don't worry. I'm like you, and it is all going to be OK." That's why I was so grateful that we have the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network to give kids the confidence to be themselves, to love themselves, and in turn love others. I am now an out and proud national spokeswoman for GLSEN's Safe Space campaign to ensure that LGBT youths have visible adult allies in schools. When young people who are struggling know they have someone to turn to, they don't feel isolated, they are able to learn, and they won't give up.

...Scrabble. Not only do I enjoy language and words (which is the essence of the game's strategy), but I relish the memories made while playing with a friend or a family member. A Scrabble match is a great way to get to know someone on any level, over a casual chat or a deep and meaningful conversation.

...oatmeal. Nine mornings out of 10, I begin my day with a piping hot bowl of oatmeal. I like to put a little brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon, and a splash of vanilla soy milk on top. It's a super-healthy breakfast, and it's really difficult to mess up. Scott CRL bicycle. At the beginning of my relationship with the bike, it was really a solitary experience. I was rebuilding my mind, body, and spirit. But as time went on, the bike became a very social endeavor. I have met some of my best friends through biking. It is such a joy to share a good ride with friends.

...Brita water pitcher. Not only am I saving a bunch of money--it's delicious and I'm doing my small part for the environment too.

...The Good Wife.
A year ago, when the show premiered, I was surprised at how sophisticated the character development was, considering it was a fledgling show. I hoped the show would be noticed and that it would continue to be interesting. Well, it did get noticed, and it continues to be very interesting and well-written. My household never misses an episode.
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