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March and April Events

Hot gay events from around the world to spice up your calendar.

San Diego Hotel Owner in Hot Water With Gays, Unions

San Diego's glamorous Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel has seen better days. The hotel, owned by local magnate Douglas Manchester, is being boycotted for the second time in six months.

Letters to President-elect Obama: Reverend Troy Perry

Open letters from 26 gay men and lesbians.

More LGBT Candidates Than Ever Receive Victory Fund Endorsement

The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a political action committee that works to elect LGBT politicians, has endorsed over 100 local, state, and national candidates vying for office in November, including South Carolina's Linda Ketner (pictured) and Colorado's Jared Polis.

18,000 March for Gay Rights in Taipei

An estimated 18,000 people marched in a gay pride parade in Taipei, Taiwan, on Saturday in what's being called the largest such march to take place in Asia. The event was Taipei's sixth and occurred despite rain showers associated with nearby Typhoon Jangmi, Australian newspaper The Age reports.

Gay 'Survivor' Contestant Charlie Herschel Develops a Little Crush

The 17th season of Survivor kicked off last night on CBS as the contestants made their way to Gabon, divided into tribes, and began to set up camp. And almost immediately, gay contestant Charlie Herschel set his sights on a member of his tribe -- sexy doc Marcus Lehman.

Critics: Proposed 'Provider Conscience' Regulation Threatens Public Health

A proposal by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand federal protections for health care workers' religious beliefs could threaten the care that patients receive, several organizations are arguing. LGBT people are at particular risk if the proposed "provider conscience" regulation goes into effect, the groups assert, because the rule would allow workers, on the basis of their faith convictions, to refuse care to patients.

Joan Rivers Helps Fight Prop. 8, October 12 in San Diego

Comic legend Joan Rivers will be performing her singular act at 7 p.m., October 12, at San Diego's Birch North Park Theatre in a benefit for the No on Prop. 8 campaign.

GLAAD Gives $100K to Fight Prop. 8

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation made a contribution of $100,000 contribution to the NO on Prop 8, Equality for All Campaign, the organization announced Wednesday.

Current Prop. 8 Description to Stay

Proposition 8 supporters got a setback on Friday when a Sacramento judge ruled that the proposed constitutional amendment will appear on the November ballot in words that could level the playing field in favor of gays. And it all turned on a word.

Catholic Bishops Endorse Prop. 8

California's Roman Catholic bishops are urging parishioners to support a fall ballot measure that seeks to overturn the court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in the state.

Marriages May Be Valid If Prop. 8 Approved

Same-sex marriages conducted before California's November vote on a marriage ban would remain intact even if the ballot initiative were passed, state attorney general Jerry Brown said Monday, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

PG&E Gives $250K to Defeat California's Prop. 8

Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced Tuesday that it would donate $250,000 to the No on Proposition 8 campaign, the Los Angeles Times reports. Company officials also indicated they would attempt to garner support from other companies to defeat the antigay measure by assembling a business advisory council on the matter. Proposition 8 would amend the state's constitution to prohibit marriage between same-sex couples.

Big Prop. 8 Supporter Targeted

Advocacy group Californians Against Hate, formed to fight back against those who are donating money to the passage of Proposition 8, a November ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage, is now taking aim at San Diego entrepreneur Terry Caster.

Antigay Group Objects to Prop. 8's New Language

Supporters of a California ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage filed a lawsuit against California attorney general Jerry Brown on Monday. According to the Associated Press, Brown's office changed Proposition 8's ballot title and summary to say the measure seeks to "eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry."

Mass. Gay Group Raises $34K to Fight Prop. 8

Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders' summer fund-raiser in Provincetown, Mass., raised $34,000 for the fight against California's Proposition 8, a November ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Field Poll: Majority of California Voters Oppose Prop. 8

The majority of California voters oppose Proposition 8, a proposed amendment that would ban same-sex marriage in the state, the Associated Press reported Friday. According to the AP, the California Field Poll survey found that 51% of voters will likely vote against Prop. 8, while 42% of voters support the proposed amendment.

Gay Conservative Shuts Down Blog, Abandons Prop. 8

Gay conservative David Benkof has closed down his blog Gays Defend Marriage, in which he supported marriage as a union between one man and one woman. In a statement to LGBT advocacy group Truth Wins Out the writer, formerly known as David Bianco, said, "I no longer feel comfortable being allied with the people running the Prop. 8 campaign."

Calif. Hyatt Boycotted After Owner Donates to Prop. 8

Gay rights advocates have begun boycotting the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego after owner Doug Manchester donated $125,000 to Proposition 8, reported the San Diego Union-Tribune's website.