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GOP Sen. Wonders: Which Bathroom for Trans Troops?

Conservative Republican Senator Jim Inhofe expressed confusion about which bathroom transgender troops would use once the ban is lifted against transgender Americans serving openly in the military.

WATCH: Step Inside Sochi's Gay Nightclub

A CNN news report shows that the patrons and owner of a gay-friendly bar in Sochi, Russia, and reveals that they do not support a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics.

PHOTOS: We Asked The Stars, 'Who Is Your Hero?'

On the night of TrevorLive, which honored Jane Lynch with its Trevor Hero Award, The Advocate asked Kathy Griffin, Jason Collins, Dot-Marie Jones, and more to reveal the heroes that inspire them.

WATCH: What Do These Gay Hockey Players Want for Christmas?

Chicago's Gay Hockey Association team channels Mariah Carey in a funny, heartwarming cover of "All I Want for Christmas" that aims to promote a message of love and acceptance this holiday season.

Illinois Family Institute Compares Marriage Equality to Junk Food

The Illinois Family Institute, an anti-LGBT Christian organization, issued a fake nutritional label that tries (and fails) to be clever in its opposition to marriage equality. This is not the first written disaster from the organization.

Colo. School Board Member: No Trans Bathroom Access 'Until the Plumbing's Changed'

Katherine Svenson, a member of the Delta County School Board in Colorado, publicly stated her lack of support for transgender student rights, which sparked controversy within the Colorado community.

WATCH: Band Behind 'Gay Bar' to Perform in Russia

A performance of the absurdist rock song from Detroit-based band Electric Six could spark outrage if interpreted as 'gay propaganda.'

Upcoming Film Follows as Disabled, HIV-Positive Man Takes First Steps For AIDS Walk

Walk On, which opens in L.A. Nov. 10, follow Joseph Kibler's inspiring participation in the Los Angeles AIDS Walk. Born HIV-positive and physically disabled, Kibler relentlessly pursues his goal to walk the 6.2 stretch.

Philanthropist Gives $1 Million to Elton John AIDS Foundation

Lily Safra gave money because "we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to bring this epidemic under control if we act now."

Out and Proud: LGBT Youth Share Their Stories

October is an important month for supporting LGBT youth. In honor of National Coming Out Day earlier this month and Spirit Day today, these videos feature stories of empowered youth and their positive coming-out tales.

San Antonio Councilwoman Seeks Higher Office

San Antonio City Council member Elisa Chan submitted a letter of resignation Monday in order to run for state Senate. Chan made national news for her antigay remarks in a secretly recorded meeting.

Out Rep. Brian Sims Responds to Gov.'s Incest Comparison

Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims wrote a Facebook status update in response to governor Tom Corbett's interview on Friday, in which the Republican governor compared same-sex marriage to incest.

WATCH: Christie's Opponent Supports Marriage Equality

A new ad for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's Democratic opponent, Barbara Buono, doubles as an endorsement for marriage equality.

Ole Miss Athletes Harass Laramie Project Cast

Football players at the University of Mississippi heckled cast members during a production of The Laramie Project, prompting university officials to apologize on Thursday.

David Cameron Includes LGBT Equality in Tory Conference Speech

During his Conservative Party Conference speech, British Prime Minister David Cameron praises LGBT acceptance as one of Britain's best achievements.

WATCH: A Few Ads That Barilla Could Emulate

LGBT inclusion in television advertising is steadily increasing -- regardless of whether companies like Barilla refuse to include same-sex couples in their marketing.

Christians Voice LGBT Support in NALT Project Video Series

To counter the assumption that all Christians are against LGBT rights, The NALT Christians Project shows videos in which Christians proclaim "We're not all like that!"

Pastor Proud to Be Inspiration for Russian "Homosexual Propaganda" Ban

Outspoken American pastor Scott Lively claims to have inspired Russia's recent ban on "homosexual propaganda."

WATCH: Private Law Firm Focusing on LGBT Issues Opens in New Orleans

Two gay lawyers have opened the first private law firm in Louisiana to focus its services on LGBT clients.

Obama Stands With LGBT Russians at Press Conference

At a press conference in Sweden, President Obama affirms solidarity with Russian LGBT people.