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Couples/Personal Finances

Navigating age-gap relationships: Balancing money and love

Out's Finance columnist outlines the economics of dating men of different ages and incomes.

Kathy Hochul vetos financial protection bill introduced after murders of gay men

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has vetoed a bill designed to protect users of money-sharing apps even after several high-profile cases of murder and robbery against several people, including at least two gay men.

Millions of These LGBTQ+ Americans Could Be Missing in Population Estimates

The professional counting of queer people misses a huge segment of our community.

LGBTQ+ Poverty Dropped During Pandemic, Except Among This Group

The drop is likely a result of government stimulus programs and affected nearly all LGBTQ+ communities.

Trans Housing Advocate Feroza Syed on the Power of Purchasing a Home

Watch The Advocate's new series Milestones Part IV: Healthcare, Housing & Job Protection. 

Why Retired Advocate Don Quaintance Gives Back to the LGBTQ+ Community

Watch The Advocate's new series Milestones Part III: Retirement and Giving Back.

How Mothers Nikki and Jill Protect Their Financial Security and Family

Watch The Advocate new series Milestones Part II: Marriage and Family Planning. 

Mom and Advocate Dr. C. Nicole Mason on the Power of Financial Freedom

Watch The Advocate's new series Milestones Part I: Investing, Home Buying and Financial Freedom.

LGBTQ+ History Makers Are Spotlighted in New Milestones Series

Leaders in the LGBTQ+ community describe their journey to pursuing financial freedom. 

How Racism and Wealth-Hoarding Led Us to the Financial Brink

The out CEO of Equality Illinois has written an indictment of America's unequal economy in his new book, Our Fair Share. Read an exclusive excerpt here.

Guaranteed Income Is a Queer Justice Issue

More LGBTQ+ people live in poverty than do our straight and cisgender peers, so we'd benefit from such programs the most.

Survey: LGBTQ+ Americans in Greater Financial Peril Than Others

New Census Bureau data finds more food and housing insecurity among LGBTQ+ people than straight and cisgender Americans.

How OnlyFans Stars Rick and Griff Make Their Relationship Work

"Of the few things we argue about, our sex life and the other men in it, is never one of them."

Keeping the LGBTQ Community Financially Strong During COVID-19

Queer-owned businesses can get through this challenging time, the co-founders of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce tell us.

Mastercard Is Making Its Credit Cards Trans-Friendly

Cardholders can now use their chosen name on their plastic without jumping through hoops.

Connecting Communities – How to Manage Your Finances for the Future

Simply knowing and understanding the financial world will help you to prepare.

The LGBTQ Movement Ignores Rising Income Inequality

Our community is not just affluent white gays in P-town, writes Alex Morash.

All the Money Advice You Ever Needed

LGBT financial issues can be complicated. Let us help.