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Edie Windsor

Everything you need to know about Edie Windsor, the Supreme Court plaintiff who helped fight the Defense of Marriage Act. Edie Windsor helped bring down section 3 of DOMA. After the death of her late wife, Thea Spyer, Windsor was faced with the unfairness of a bill for $360,000 in estate taxes. That injustice won't happen to others because Windsor brought the case United States v. Windsor to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that the section was unconstutional. Her cause was represented by Roberta Kaplan, a lesbian lawyer from the firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

Equality Day: Why Is June 26 Momentous for LGBTQ+ Rights

The day has traditionally been a good one for queer rights!

Edie Windsor's Widow on the Imperiled State of Marriage Equality

Thanks to Trump, losing our hard-won rights is a clear and present danger. 

The First Time Edie Windsor Cruised at a Lesbian Bar

The civil rights icon who helped defeat the Defense of Marriage Act gifts us with her posthumous memoir, A Wild and Precious Life, out today. Read a thrilling excerpt below.

Philadelphia Honors Marriage Equality Pioneer With Edie Windsor Way

Philly's gayborhood now has a street recognizing the mother of marriage equality.

New York Gov. Proclaims Edie Windsor Day

The marriage equality pioneer is honored on what would have been her 89th birthday.

Edie Windsor's Fight, in Her Own Words

In The People's Victory, marriage equality advocates share their battle stories. Read Edie Windsor's below.

New Edie Windsor Doc Coming to Theaters

To a More Perfect Union: United States v. Windsor will be in theaters June 7.

Saying Goodbye to Our Mother

SAGE CEO Michael Adams's poignant and empowering message delivered at Edie Windsor's memorial service on Friday in New York.

WATCH: Hillary Clinton Honor Edie Windsor's Life

"I know what Edie means to America," Clinton told the mourners.

Prop. 8 Plaintiffs: Love Is Edie Windsor

Paul Katami and Jeff Zarrillo on the lessons that Edie taught them.

Jim Obergefell: Edie Windsor Made the World Better

The plaintiff who helped bring marriage equality to the U.S. reflects on the woman who brought down DOMA.

Watch 'Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement' for Free

The documentary tells the love story that paved the way for marriage equality.

Edie Windsor, Mother of Marriage Equality, Dead at 88

The lesbian pioneer was a plaintiff in a landmark case that paved the way for same-sex marriage in the United States.

DOMA Plaintiff Edie Windsor Remarries

Windsor has married Judith Kasen, a longtime community activist.

Roberta Kaplan Just Destroyed Another Antigay Marriage Law

The lawyer who brought down DOMA continues her winning streak. 


The Activists of the OUT100

The OUT100 Activists tktktkt

Edie Windsor: 'I'm Absolutely Thrilled!'

The plaintiff in the landmark case that struck down the Defense of Marriage Act two years ago celebrated Friday at the Stonewall Inn.

LISTEN: Edie Windsor's Message for Fla. Gov. Rick Scott

'I implore you to use the power of your office to allow loving couples to marry now in your state,' says the woman who defeated DOMA.