A new study by
researchers at Columbia University shows that sexual
orientation can be a significant barrier to access to health
care services and that lesbians face particularly
significant barriers to adequate medical care.
Scientists from Columbia's Mailman School of
Public Health conducted a nationwide survey to measure
health care access among gays, lesbians, and
bisexuals. Writing in the American Journal of Public
Health, the researchers examined four key
health-care criteria: having insurance coverage,
having a regular source of medical care, having seen a
health care provider in the prior year, and having
unmet medical needs. They report that lesbians were
far less likely to have insurance, a regular provider,
or to have seen a physician in the previous year--and
much more likely to have ongoing, unmet medical
needs--than their age-matched heterosexual
"Women in
same-sex relationships have lower rates of coverage than
those in opposite-sex relationships," explains
researcher Julia Heck in a press release. "This
may be at least partially attributed to the inability of
same-sex couples to marry or form legal partnerships in most
states. More than 40% of insured women in the U.S. are
covered through another person. Women are also less
likely to be employed in professions that provide an
insurance package."
Gay men in
relationships also were shown to have less insurance
coverage than men in heterosexual relationships,
report the researchers. But gay and straight men were
equally as likely to report unmet medical needs, and
gay men were 40% more likely to have a regular health care
provider and were two thirds more likely to have seen
a provider in the previous year than were partnered
heterosexual men.
The researchers
believe health-care access is better for gay men than for
lesbians because the HIV epidemic revolutionized health care
in gay male communities, making it more likely for gay
men to have a regular provider and to be open with
health care professionals about their sexual
orientation. Health risks for lesbians, on the other hand,
have not received the same level of exposure, the
researchers say. They also note that many lesbians may
be less inclined to see a health care provider--or
to reveal their sexual orientation if they do seek
care--because of stigma and concerns about
The researchers
say programs are needed for health care providers that
sensitize them to the needs of lesbians and to raise
awareness of the access barriers lesbians face. They
also encourage government and industry to offer health
coverage for individuals in domestic partnerships so
that more lesbians and gay men can receive adequate
health insurance and access to regular care. (The