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Nancy Reagan

A first lady beloved by her country, Nancy Reagan died on Sunday March 6, 2016 at age 94. She served in the White House with husband Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989. She is succeeded by children Ron Reagan, and lesbian novel author Patti Davis. Track her complex relationship with AIDS and the LGBT community here.

LGBTQ+ Republicans: What a Joke

The GOP decided long ago that scapegoating the community is more valuable than courting it. Will that ever change?

Nancy Reagan Stamp Release During Pride Month Gets Roundly Blasted

First Lady Jill Biden, an LGBTQ+ ally, will host the release, even though Nancy and Ronald Reagan took many anti-LGBTQ+ stances. 

WATCH: Bernie Sanders Gets the Reagans' AIDS Legacy Right

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy ‘refused to allow’ a discussion about the AIDS epidemic to take place, Bernie Sanders told CNN.

Clinton Expands Apology for Reagan-AIDS 'Mistake'

After issuing a brief statement within two hours of the time she 'misspoke,' Clinton penned a lengthy blog post on Medium tonight. 

HRC to Hillary Clinton: Nancy Reagan Was 'No Hero' on AIDS

The Democratic front-runner commends Nancy Reagan for starting a 'national conversation' about HIV and AIDS, but the president of the Human Rights Campaign takes issue. 

Nancy and the Gays

Nancy Reagan's loyalty to her many gay friends ended when they became a liability.

Remembering Nancy Reagan, Her Involvement in AIDS Crisis

The former first lady will be forever known for her devotion to her husband, Ronald Reagan.

Op-ed: The Gay Truth About Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan failed to successfully combat the AIDS crisis, but does that make him antigay?

Nancy Reagan, Marriage Equality Supporter?

Daughter Patti Davis tells Michelangelo Signorile the former first lady just says yes to equal marriage rights.

On Gay Marriage, What Would Reagan Do?

The daughter of Ronald and Nancy Reagan says that the former president would support marriage equality if he were alive today.

Patti Davis, Reagan's Daughter, Publishes Lesbian Novel

Ronald Reagan's daughter pens a novel about a woman who falls in love with her sister-in-law.