A Bangor, Mich.,
attorney has dropped her federal lawsuit that sought to
strike down Michigan's constitutional amendment that defines
marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Michigan voters approved the amendment in November.
Jessie Olson filed the suit June 8 in U.S.
district court in Kalamazoo and listed herself and her
life partner, Tabitha A. Flatau, as coplaintiffs. They
claimed the amendment to the state constitution
violates the equal-protection clause of the U.S.
Constitution's 14th Amendment. Olson filed a notice of
voluntary dismissal June 20, according to court
documents. She said Tuesday she would reopen the lawsuit if
the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan loses a
similar suit it filed in state court in March. A
federal court rule allows cases to be reopened without
prejudice after being dismissed one time.
The decision to drop the suit was made after
talking and working with Michigan ACLU officials,
Olson says. The lawsuit said the amendment to the
state constitution is stripping away job benefits, such as
health insurance, from homosexual and unmarried
heterosexual domestic partners and their children.
Going into the election, opponents of the state
amendment said they worried about its possible
effect on domestic-partner benefits for unmarried
couples. On March 16, Attorney General Mike Cox said the
amendment bars local and state governments, in future labor
contracts, from designating gay partners of employees
to receive health and retirement benefits also given
to spouses. He wrote in an opinion that the city of
Kalamazoo's policy of offering benefits to same-sex partners
violates the amendment.
Five days later the Michigan ACLU challenged
Cox's opinion in a still-pending lawsuit filed in
Ingham County circuit court. Those bringing that suit
are 21 same-sex couples--including Kalamazoo city
employees, workers at state universities, and employees at
various state agencies and departments--and a
Washington-based AFL-CIO group, National Pride at
Work, that backs gay rights. (AP)