Baltimore Ravens Player Makes Marriage Equality Video
Baltimore Ravens Player Makes Marriage Equality Video

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Baltimore Ravens Player Makes Marriage Equality Video
Baltimore Ravens Player Makes Marriage Equality Video
Baltimore Ravens player Brendon Ayanbadejo, who has already expressed support for marriage equality, has made a video for the Marylanders for Marriage Equality campaign.
The Baltimore Sun reports on the video released Friday. In the 30-second spot, the linebacker says, "I believe we should be doing everything that we can to make Maryland families stronger which is why I support marriage for gay and lesbian couples who want to make a lifetime commitment to each other."
The video is the second in the Maryland for Marriage Equality series from the coalition of groups of the same name working to pass a bill in 2012. Earlier this month, Governor Martin O'Malley, who said marriage equality would be a legislative priority, kicked off the video campaign.
Last session, the marriage equality bill passed the Maryland senate for the first time but did not come to the floor in the assembly, where it fell a few votes short. Should the bill pass in 2012, opponents plan to petition for a referendum on the ballot in the fall.
Ayanbadejo has supported marriage equality in recent years with a column in the Huffington Post and with a video during last year's legislative session.