James "Wally" Brewster, President Obama's nominee to become the ambassador to the Dominican Republic, was referred to with an antigay slur by the country's cardinal.
Obama nominated Brewster, who is gay, to become the next ambassador to the Spanish-speaking Caribbean nation in June. He was a top fund-raiser for Obama, and an LGBT cochair for the Democratic National Committee.
At a subsequent press conference, Catholic cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez said he was not pleased that Brewster may be the ambassador.
"Gays are interested in pushing their goals forward, but they know there are a lot of people around the world against that," he said in a video translated by Blabbeando. "People from Christian and non-Christian governments. Go ask the Muslim world what they think about it -- in addition to Christians and evangelicals."
But then after a reporter asked about a Haitian boycott on Dominican poultry and eggs, he referred to Brewster as a "maricon," which translates to an antigay slur.
According to BuzzFeed, Monsenor Pablo Cedano, who was at Rodriguez's side at the press conference, said if Brewster comes to the island, he would have such an unpleasant experience that he would probably feel compelled to return to the U.S. He also said nominating him to the post showed a "lack of respect" from the Obama administration.
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