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Ralph Reed

Ralph Reed, Jr. is a conservative political activist, best known as the first executive director of the Christian Coalition. Ralph Reed started the Faith and Freedom Coalition in 2009. In response to the repeal of DOMA, Reed's organization FRC promised that the Supreme Court cases will only galvanize evangelical voters who were also outraged by the decision. Keep updated on Reed, the FRC, and other antigay organizations and pundits at they continue their crusade against equal rights for the LGBT community.

WATCH: Bill Maher Challenges Ralph Reed on Slavery, Stoning

Real Time host Maher asks the conservative Christian leader how he can justify a literal reading of the Bible, given these 'wack' passages.

Op-ed: Where the Vile Pretend to Be Virtuous

LGBT activist and writer Wayne Besen headed to the ultraconservative Values Voter Summit.

WATCH: This Is What Antigay Politicans Will Face One Day

It's never been done before, so The Advocate demonstrates what a negative campaign commercial might look like against an anti-LGBT candidate.

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Watch Three Must-See Marriage Equality Debates

In the wake of two historic rulings from the Supreme Court and the restoration of marriage equality in California, pro-equality attorneys, activists, and anchors took to the airwaves Sunday to defend their victories.

Companies That Are Bankrolling Right Wing Attack Ads

ThinkProgress offers up a list of the companies that are giving over $25,000 to right wing attack ad groups.

Christian Coalition 2.0 Hits Florida

Ralph Reed formalized plans last week to open an affiliate of his new Faith and Freedom Coalition in Florida.

Gay Dems and Republicans Can Find Common Ground in Obama

COMMENTARY: According to polls, George W. Bush received around 25% of the gay vote in 2000 and 2004 in spite of his abandoning a promise to be a compassionate conservative. Now the Log Cabin Republicans have endorsed a McCain-Palin ticket, and while this endorsement is essential to LCR's remaining politically relevant within the GOP, the gay community should not follow Log Cabin's lead -- and instead should fervently and actively support Barack Obama.

Its About the Bottom Line

The top 10 pro-gay -- and financially stable -- companies in the country

GOP Faces Hard Choices in Bid for Revival

The Republican Party that strode confidently into New York City to nominate President Bush for a second term in 2004 would hardly recognize the one that opens its national convention September 1 in St. Paul, Minn.

Mad at Microsoft

Operations program manager Jeff Koertzen was so angry that his employer backtracked on supporting gay equality that he quit the company. In an exclusive Q&A he accuses a top Microsoft executive of lying to employees

Barney Frank says Microsoft explanation

Openly gay U.S. representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts weighed in on the growing Microsoft controversy.

Gates surprised by criticism over Microsoft withdrawal on gay rights bill (15859)

Microsoft Corp. may rethink whether it will support proposed legislation banning discrimination against gays and lesbians in Washington State.