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black voters

New York Post publishes racist article about Kamala Harris, sparks outrage

The paper claimed that if she were to become president she wouldn’t have earned it.

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Black Voters, Against Alabama Voting Maps

Alabama currently has seven congressional districts, with six represented by Republicans.

The Myth About Black Voters

The NAACP and President Obama help change the conversation about African-Americans and marriage equality.

Black Voters In North Carolina Confront Election Stakes, Voter Intimidation

Nearly a quarter of N.C. voters are black, and they could decide the election.

We Can Stop the GOP's Disenfranchisement of Black, Trans Voters

McConnell and his ilk will do anything to stop minorities from voting; it must be our mission to win back our inalienable right.

Black Voters Support Marriage in Illinois By Wide Margin

A new poll shows that African-American voters in President Obama's home state support marriage equality 60% to 16%, a much wider margin than measured nationally.

'No on Prop. 8' Reaches Out to Black Voters

As marriage equality opponents galvanized in the Crenshaw area of Los Angeles to target African-American voters, clergy members and other activists gathered just miles away to fight against California's upcoming ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage.

Homophobia Isn't the Reason Black Voters Don't Like Pete Buttigieg

Don't reduce Black resistance to the gay candidate to racist assumptions, writes George Johnson.

Kamala Harris Rejects 'Trope' That Black Voters Hate Gay People

"To label one community in particular as being burdened by this bias as compared to others is misinformed," Harris said.

Twitter Crowns Black Voters as True Winners of Roy Moore Race

Black voters kept Roy Moore out of the Senate, and Twitter thinks they deserve more than a "thanks."

Annise Parker Rejects Idea Black Voters Don't Vote for LGBTQ People

Parker, who was Houston's first lesbian mayor, addressed the harmful stereotype during the Victory Institute's "State of Victory" speech. 

Donald Trump Wants You to Think Black Voters Love Him

During a rally, he actually pointed and said, "Look at my African-American over here."

Trump '16 Campaign Employed Elaborate Plot to Suppress Black Vote

The president used Facebook and other platforms to discourage Black voters from going to the polls.

Pete Buttigieg Earns First Endorsement From Black Congressman

Anthony Brown's support comes as the out presidential candidate aims to prove he can win over Black voters.

Battle for the Black Vote

Organizers both for and against California's Proposition 8 are working to win over the state's population of black voters. Numbers show that the pulpit may have a heavy hand in helping voters decide, but marriage equality advocates are still going after this influential group.

Obama Wins South Carolina in Racially Charged Primary

Landslide margins among black voters powered Barack Obama to his win Saturday in South Carolina's Democratic presidential primary, allowing him to overcome the telling edge Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards had among whites. Blacks made up 55% of the voters in Saturday's contest, slightly more than turned out in the state's primary four years ago and by far their biggest share in any presidential contest so far this year. Obama won 78% of their votes, with black men and women supporting the Illinois senator by about that same margin, according to exit polls of Democratic voters conducted Saturday for the Associated Press and the networks.

Poll: Support Surging in Maryland for Marriage Equality

Voters favor the new marriage equality law by 49% to 39%, with more than half of African-American voters in favor, but those numbers could change when opponents launch their anticipated media campaign.

Stop Saying the Deep South Is a Lost Cause

Black women saved us from Roy Moore, but even white men are open to change if the message is right.