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but i'm a cheerleader

I Still Don't Know Who I Am

Brian Falduto (aka the gay kid from School of Rock) on the never-ending journey of self-discovery.

I Wasn’t Queer Until I Found Leather

Discovering confidence in a bag of latex and leather.

I Was Born in Bermuda. I Won't Be Going Back

After the island rescinded marriage equality, a gay man reflects on his childhood there.

Where I Was When I Heard About Orlando

Filmmaker Alexander Stamm drew thoughtful, candid responses about the tragedy from men and women walking the streets of West Hollywood.

Here's the Letter I Wish I Sent to My Worried Parents When I Came Out

While a lot of people write a letter to their younger self on National Coming Out Day, Carson Jones chose instead to write something he wished his parents had been able to read on the day he came out. 

I Am Gay and I Am Hip-hop

A music industry insider explains how hip-hop helped him grow from traumatized teen to proud gay man.

The Equinox Dilemma: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

John Casey worries about punishing the LGBTQ and allied employees who may suffer because of their owner's terrible judgment.

Dawn Ennis: 'I Always Knew I Would Be an Astronaut'

To boldly go where no trans woman has gone before. 

I Advocate