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dobbs v jackson

Jim Obergefell reflects on 9th anniversary of Supreme Court marriage equality ruling

The legendary civil rights activist will attend a White House Pride celebration on the day of the anniversary.

Gender-affirming care case attorneys face Alabama federal judge over misconduct accusations

The 11 attorneys are accused of “judge-shopping.”

Two years after Dobbs, the White House warns of Republican assaults on Americans' bodily autonomy

Democrats are reminding Americans that Republicans and the conservative U.S. Supreme Court stripped them of their previously held rights to reproductive access. Now other bodily autonomy rights could be next.

Uganda used the U.S. Supreme Court's anti-abortion ruling to outlaw being LGBTQ+

Uganda's highest court cited the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson ruling in their decision to uphold a law criminalizing same-sex relationships.

'Fractured landscape:' Abortions in the U.S. are increasing, despite 'drastic' bans

Despite abortion restrictions being implemented in 21 states since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, abortions are increasing in the U.S.

Abortion restrictions amount to sex-based discrimination, state Supreme Court says

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled against an antiquated anti-abortion law, with justices issuing a scathing rebuke of the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision.

Restore Roe: Biden and Harris warn supporters what a second Trump term could mean for bodily autonomy

The president, the vice president, and their spouses delivered this message loud and clear at the "Restore Roe" rally in Virginia on Tuesday.

On Roe v. Wade's anniversary, the meaning of the ruling — and its loss

The abortion rights ruling stood for almost 50 years, with major implications for other bodily autonomy rights. What are the implications of its overturning?

Virginia Democrats move to amend state constitution to protect marriage equality

Efforts are underway to repeal the state constitution’s antiquated same-sex marriage ban, aligning state law with federal rulings and securing rights for the LGBTQ+ community.

Appeals Court Lets Alabama Enforce Trans Care Ban, Cites Anti-Abortion Ruling

The assertion provides further evidence that all bodily autonomy rights are under attack.

The Right Is Using the Anti-Abortion Dobbs Ruling to Attack Trans Care. Will It Work?

After an appeals court cites the Dobbs ruling in upholding a trans care ban, there's cause for concern — but not panic, LGBTQ+ activists say.

Is This the Next Supreme Court Case on LGBTQ+ Rights?

The ruling from the Sixth Circuit is the first court decision in favor of a ban on gender-affirming care for trans minors.