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American satisfaction with state of LGBTQ+ rights reaches lowest point in over a decade

Just over half of Americans said they are satisfied with the nation's acceptance of gay and lesbian people, the lowest rate since 2013.

18% of LGBTQ+ adults have never come out — Here's why

Most LGBTQ+ adults come out to their friends and family by age 22, but a significant portion said they have never come out to anyone.

Americans still support marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

More than two in three Americans still believe that marriage equality should be the law of the land, despite a slight dip in support.

Most married same-sex couples worried about challenges to marriage equality: study

In the aftermath of recent Supreme Court decisions, same-sex couples are worried about their marriage rights.

More Americans identify as LGBTQ+ than ever before, according to new Gallup poll

The increase is being driven by younger generations, according to the new poll.

LGBTQ+ people want to foster or adopt kids, but fear of discrimination stops them (exclusive)

That's among the findings just released from a study by Gallup and the children's charity Kidsave.

Majority of People Globally Say Their City Is Good for Queer People: Poll

The statistic comes from a landmark survey by Gallup.

Support for Same-Sex Relationships Plummets as Less Find Them 'Morally Acceptable'

While it's higher than a decade ago, support seems to be in decline after years of progress, according to Gallup.

Who Is Behind Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation and What Are We Going to Do About It?

Look no further than indoctrinated parents of queer youth.

7.2 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBTQ+: Gallup Poll

The number of people who identify as LGBTQ+ has doubled over the last decade, according to the poll.