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gay marriage

Americans still support marriage equality by a vast majority — just not Republicans

More than two in three Americans still believe that marriage equality should be the law of the land, despite a slight dip in support.

Watch these brothers step up after their dad refused to attend their sister's queer wedding

After one bride's father refused to attend or take part in her wedding, her brothers decided to fill his role instead.

Donald Trump endorses Mark Robinson, who said gays are ‘filth’ and ‘maggots,’ for N.C. governor

The former president said Sunday that the virulently anti-LGBTQ+ candidate is "Martin Luther King on steroids” and "better than Martin Luther King."

Tennessee GOP quietly overturns marriage equality by giving officials the right to refuse

Public officials in Tennessee can now refuse to grant a marriage license to anyone at their own discretion, for any reason.

Greece FINALLY legalizes same-sex marriage & the gays are having a kiki

Social media users had a lot to say about Greece welcoming marriage equality.

Pastor refuses to 'repent' after network drops him for giving advice on a queer wedding

And no, the pastor wasn't even supportive of the wedding.

Speaker Mike Johnson Addresses Past Homophobia on Fox News' ‘Hannity’

The new speaker of the House has claimed a lapsed memory on past comments, while underscoring the rule of law amid pressing global issues.