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holy doors

Vatican adds event for LGBTQ+ Catholics to Holy Year calendar

An Italian association for LGBTQ+ Christians has announced that it will perform a pilgrimage in September, marking one of the hundreds of events in next year's Jubilee.

Pope Francis Wants LGBTQ+ Catholics Back

The pope has shown he sees us as humans and not as sinners.

Gay Music Director Fired for Engagement Files Discrimination Claim

An Illinois music director who was fired after announcing his engagement to a man has filed a discrimination complaint.

Mike Pence Appears at Church of Pastor Who Calls LGBTQ People Demonic

Pence's Martin Luther King Jr. Day speech was followed by a sermon saying LGBTQ people represent the work of the devil.

Catholic bishops discuss ministry to gays at national meeting

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is debating how parishes can be welcoming to gays while also upholding the teaching that gay relationships are ''disordered.''

Is It Time to Renounce Your Catholic Faith?

The church's moves against the president and queer foster parents may be last straws.

The Pope's Antigay Decree Has Not Dimmed My Love for Church

Pope Francis saying the Catholic Church "cannot bless sin" is a shameful step backward for an institution that must modernize.

It's her church now

The U.S. Episcopal Church may have broken its glass ceiling by electing a woman leader, but what does that mean for the future of the church and its continuing struggle with gay rights?

Vida's Ser Anzoategui on 'Carving a Path' for Nonbinary Actors

Anzoategui discusses their landmark role on the STARZ series for Inside With the Advocate

Ex-Gay Leader Now in Favor of Marriage Equality

Alan Chambers says he now endorses same-sex relationships and condemns reparative therapy -- for everyone.


Literal interpretation

A quick study of the Bible reveals the hypocrisy of conservative Christians, who claim to follow the good book word for word

The Heroes Who Took on Trump's Lies and Brought Truth to Power

Challenging the system is no small feat, as displayed this week on Capitol Hill.

The Equality Ride II: Welcome to the jungle

Soulforce's second Equality Ride begins with 50 young adults in two buses stopping at 32 Christian colleges and universities in the pursuit of social justice for LGBT students. In the first two weeks the west bus logs 12 arrests--and that's a good thing.

Hooking up, finding love, part 3

In a world where being gay has challenges all its own, finding love can be a difficult task. In this special report we asked readers to tell us where they met-or hoped to meet-that special someone. Was it just about sex? Or was there something more from the start?

Conservatives Launch Antigay Salvo as Catholic Bishops' Meeting Opens

A Hungarian cardinal opens the family issues synod with a denunciation of gay relationships, while Pope Francis walks the line between upholding doctrine and welcoming all. 

Bill O'Reilly Really Likes You

The conservative, argumentative host of Fox News's The O'Reilly Factor favors gay rights laws and gay adoptionaEUR"but does wish that gays would shut up already. [Reposted form the September 17, 2002 issue of The Advocate .]

The Politics of Race

A black LGBT presidential forum in Los Angeles helps define a powerful voting bloc