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new testament

Jesus and St. Paul were asexual, and everybody in heaven is nonbinary

Have you ever wondered about the sexual identities of Jesus and St. Paul? Or how gender and sexuality might influence our understanding of heaven?

WATCH: Bill Maher Challenges Ralph Reed on Slavery, Stoning

Real Time host Maher asks the conservative Christian leader how he can justify a literal reading of the Bible, given these 'wack' passages.

Antigay Senator: Politicians Obligated to Proselytize

Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford boasts a history of preaching against LGBTQ equality.

'God and the Gay Christian': Southern Baptist Leader Objects

A new book by a YouTube phenom says gay Christians must be welcomed in the church. But a prominent evangelical leader disagrees.

Will a wealthy social conservative have his way with California voters again?

Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. has put $900,000 of his own money into passing California's gay marriage ban, but it's not the first time the flush ascetic has injected his religious views into politics. From stemming affirmative action to stoking unrest within the Episcopal Church, Ahmanson has been one of the most influential political donors in the country.

WATCH: Australian Prime Minister Advocates Marriage Equality

Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia, launched into a passionate defense of marriage equality during a nationally broadcast forum Monday.

New A.G. Matt Whitaker's Cozy Past With Homophobes

The acting U.S. attorney general (since Jeff Sessions's) departure, once prosecuted a gay politician in a flimsy case and worked for an antigay candidate.

More LGBT Candidates Than Ever Receive Victory Fund Endorsement

The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a political action committee that works to elect LGBT politicians, has endorsed over 100 local, state, and national candidates vying for office in November, including South Carolina's Linda Ketner (pictured) and Colorado's Jared Polis.

WATCH: Navy Chaplain Says Voting for Marriage Equality Is Like Crucifying Jesus

Antigay former Navy chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt told cable political news host David Pakman that recent votes for marriage equality would be viewed by God in the same way as votes in biblical times to crucify Jesus Christ.

Oklahoma superintendent wants $3.3 million to put 55,000 Trump Bibles in classrooms

Ryan Walters recently asked the Oklahoma Legislature for $3 million in the state Department of Education's 2026 budget request to purchase Bibles for schools. But not just any Bible.

Anti-LGBTQ Crusader Spurs Teachers, Students to Quit Washington School

The new head of the ministry that runs King's High School in Washington State has a long history of working against LGBTQ equality. 

Literal interpretation

A quick study of the Bible reveals the hypocrisy of conservative Christians, who claim to follow the good book word for word

The Lives of Pulse, Immortalized in Rhyme

Nathaniel Bush Jr. penned 66 poems -- the number of books in the Bible -- to make sense of last year's tragedy and immortalize a friend who always encouraged him to write.

Anti-LGBT Pastor: God Ordained Trump to Take Out Kim Jong Un

Robert Jeffress, who's connected homosexuality to pedophilia and Obama to the Antichrist, doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Undercover: 5 Lessons Taught at the NOM Youth Conference

An undercover gay blogger attended the National Organization for Marriage's annual conference for young people and was met with its view on pedophilia, hookup sites, and menstruating moms.