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Gay Right-Winger Says Christine Hallquist Has 'Transgender Privilege'

Gay journalist Chadwick Moore contended the Vermont gubernatorial candidate is known only for being trans, which is hardly the case. 

Poll: Germans More Tolerant of LGBTQ People Than Muslims

Germans are comfortable with gays -- and even of insurance companies covering medical transitions -- but not as fond of Muslims in their neighborhood, says a new survey.

Mormon Church Reaffirms Opposition to Gay Relationships

By placing the controversial policy in its missionary manual, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reaffirms its official status.

Christian Group Gives 'Free Hugs' at Austin Pride

Jen Hatmaker and her husband organized a group of church members to give "free hugs" to LGBTQ paraders in Austin Saturday.

Oklahoma School Closes After Violent Threats to Transgender Student

A transgender seventh-grader faced death threats after someone posted a complaint about the student using a woman's restroom.

17 Times Travelers Faced Discrimination for Flying While LGBTQ

From being denied "family boarding" to invasive searches, there's no shortage of horror stories.

Pro-LGBTQ Priest to Speak at Pope's Event, Despite Opposition

Anti-LGBTQ Catholic groups urged the organizers of World Meeting of Families to disinvite Fr. James Martin for his pro-LGBTQ views.

Lacking Protections, Penn. Establishes Nation's First LGBTQ Commission

Governor Tom Wolf makes a bold move to protect LGBTQ residents in a state with nearly zero formal protections.

Transgender Athletes Allowed to Compete in 2019 CrossFit Games

The policy change comes after a lawsuit against a trans athlete who had been denied a spot in the Crossfit Games.

Gay Valedictorian Raises Over $110,000 After Being Kicked Out of Home

After Seth Owen moved out of his home, his teacher set up a GoFundMe campaign to pay his college expenses.

Study: LGB Youth More Likely to Be Obese, at Risk for Diabetes

LGB and questioning youth spend more time in sedentary activities than heterosexuals due to minority stress, says the lead study author.

Gay Man Stays Celibate in Order to Donate Blood

 Jordan Moll-Vigrass, who donated blood Wednesday after a year of celibacy, aims to raise awareness of the discriminatory FDA policy.

Antigay Group Protests Pro-LGBT Policies in British Columbia Schools

The conservative group hopes to take legal action against pro-LGBT policies that have been in place since 2016.

Christian Right Group Reignites Target Boycott

The American Family Association is repeating its call to boycott Target over its inclusive restroom policy.

University of Nebraska Hires Homophobic Former Football Coach

Ron Brown has a history of opposing legal protections for LGBT people and working with homophobic institutions.

MLB's Josh Hader to Take Sensitivity Training After Old Tweets Surface

Hader's racist and homophobic tweets from 2011 resurfaced during the All-Star Game Tuesday.

Estate of S-Town's Tragic Star Sues Podcast Creators

John B. McLemore's estate claims S-Town creators didn't get permission to reveal private details about McLemore's life, including his sexuality.

Puerto Rico Allows Trans People to Update Birth Certificates

The new policy is a result of a court ruling three months ago.

Almost Half of Gay Men Experience Intimate Partner Violence

Gay men experience physical and sexual assault at similar rates to women, study finds.

Over 210,000 Sign Petition to Cancel Seoul Pride

The petition also demanded the cancellation of another queer event, which has already passed.