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I'm Quitting — Being a Stay-at-Home Dad

Gay stay-at-home dad Frank Lowe prepares to rejoin the outside-the-home work force.

Confessions of a Gay Dad: The Pressure to Have Two Kids

Adding to your family is a big step -- but that doesn't stop everyone from asking when you're going to have another child.

Q&A With @GayAtHomeDad

From @GayAtHomeDad on Twitter, here are a select few questions he was asked, ranging from major age differences in dating to what kind of underwear he prefers.

Op-ed: My Gay Suburbia Sucks

Rural Connecticut has turned out to be Stepford for this gay dad.

Op-ed: Who Pops the Question — Top or Bottom?

Gay couples have the freedom to reject gender roles, notes our correspondent.

Gay Marriage Proposals: Ugh, What Do I Do?

All the rules have been written for heterosexual marriage proposals, but what about for same-sex marriages? Do the rules stay the same, or are they different?

Never Say This to Gay Parents

The comment in question may seem like a compliment, but it's not.

Are Kids Just a Money Pit?

The cost of being a parent may surprise you -- but the experience is also priceless, says our parenting writer.

Q&A With @GayAtHomeDad

This week parenting writer Frank Lowe answers questions ranging from what age is ideal to start a family to how to get a stubborn kid to poop on the toilet.

Daddy, What Does 'Gay' Mean?

Anyone with a 4 or 5-year-old will tell you that they ask an infinite number of questions each day, but what happens when they ask the tough ones?

The Ultimate Resource For Gay Dads

With gay parenting on the rise, it was inevitable that a comprehensive website would be created to address their needs. Fortunately for us, it's here, it's fabulous, and most importantly, it's not scared to go there.

Don't Look a Gift Unicorn In the Mouth

Commercials featuring gay families are slowly staring to multiply, but it seems not all gay people are embracing them. Do we focus on the negative instead of the positive?

You Can Have It All — Unless You're Gay

Having children is not social castration and does not put you in a higher tier than those without children, so why do gay parents have to live up to a ridiculous standard created by the gay community?

Thanksgiving With a Transgender Child

Read about when our parenting writer, Frank Lowe, attended a special Thanksgiving that turned into an eye-opening and educational experience.

Damn Right, My Kid's Better Than Yours

For a gay parent, nothing feels better than seeing studies proving that gay people are good parents. But how much weight do these studies hold?

Have It Your Gay

Burger King's slogan 'have it your way' has taken on a new meaning thanks to its decision to show LGBT pride.

WATCH: Putting the 'Fairy' in Fairy Tales

With a significant lack of an LGBTQ presence in the world of children's books and media, clever solutions are popping up all over the place. Take a look at this hilarious and heartwarming video that breaks down something complicated into the simplest of forms.

Q&A With @GayAtHomeDad

This week parenting writer Frank Lowe answers questions on partners who don't want to become parents and bratty nieces with major attitude. Also, he reveals whether or not he and his spouse want to add to their family!

WATCH: Binge on This

Catch up on parenting writer Frank Lowe's YouTube show -- it's a cross between Taxicab Confessions and Kids Say the Darndest Things, with a healthy dash of sass.