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Italy's Senate Approves Same-Sex Civil Unions (With a Catch)

This less progressive — and less controversial — version is expected to easily pass in the lower house of Parliament. 

Letter From Syria

Life for gay men in Syria, like Subhi Nahas, has become unendurable with the rise of ISIS, but things were bad long before the militants took power. 

Jerusalem Stabber Charged With Murder of Shira Banki

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish assailant stabbed six at Jerusalem's Gay Pride, killing a 16-year-old girl.

DLB on His Powerful Anti-Bullying Coca-Cola Campaign

The giant soft drink company with global reach asked the Oscar-winning activist to direct three short films for Latin America.

PHOTOS: Stockholm Pride

The sun was out for Scandinavia’s largest LGBT celebration.

Jamaica to Hold First LGBT Pride Celebration

While security concerns make a parade impossible, a full week of festivities have been planned.

Ugandan Presidential Candidate Comes Out Against Homophobia

In the fiercely homophobic country, former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi offers hope.

European Court Rules Italy's Same-Sex Marriage Ban a Human Rights Violation

While not binding, the decision adds to mounting pressure on the peninsula. 

What Do Recent Signs Say About the Pope?

Diplomatic dispute calls Francis' openness to LGBTs into question.

The Lost Pink Triangles

An exhibition of Nazi persecution of homosexuals goes on display in NYC.

See What 26 Million People Did On Facebook

Rainbows flooded the internet to celebrate the Supreme Court's decision and support global Pride.

WATCH: YouTube Star Ingrid Nilsen Comes Out

The beauty vlogger made the announcement to her nearly 3.4 million subscribers.

Could New Jersey Pay Damages for Conversion Therapy Victims?

The New Jersey lawsuit could offer new options for those damaged by bogus gay-conversion schemes.

3 Questions on The Battle for Uganda

Frank Mugisha brings the fight against oppression to America.

Don't Mess With Dumbledore's Rights Some of Our Favorite SCOTUS Signs and Banners

Today the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on marriage equality, and people on both sides of the issue showed up with signs stating their views,

Dragged Into the Spotlight

Ireland: Dragged Into The Spotlight