The Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria has stopped
funding loveLife, South Africa's national HIV prevention
program for youth, reports the Mail &
Guardian. The Global Fund said loveLife had not
sufficiently addressed weaknesses in its
implementation, which the fund's secretariat said had
to be improved within two years of receiving initial
funding. About 30% of loveLife's budget during
the past two years came from Global Fund grants. Other
major funding sources include the South African
government and the U.S.-based Kaiser Family
prevention program, which launched in 1999, aims to reduce
the number of HIV infections among young South
Africans through youth-friendly outreach programs in
government clinics, schools, and community-based
organizations. Studies have shown that more than 85%
of South African youth have heard of loveLife and one third
have participated in a loveLife program.
In a statement,
loveLife expressed its disappointment in the Global Fund,
pointing out that the fund's technical review panel
had recommended that the organization continue to
receive funding. (