A study that
shows the percentage of people in the nation's largest
cities identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual lists San
Francisco on top with 15.4%, with Seattle coming in
second with 12.9%. Atlanta was third with 12.8%,
and Minneapolis fourth with 12.5% Four of the top 10
cities were in California, while all but Boston and Atlanta
were west of the Mississippi River.
The Williams
Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at the
University of California, Los Angeles, used census and other
federal information to estimate the numbers.
The census data
on same-sex couple households showed that between 2000
and 2005 the number reported increased by 30%. New Hampshire
had the largest jump in same-sex couples, with 106%
over the five years studied, with heartland states
like Nebraska, Kansas, Indiana, and Iowa also
showing substantially increased numbers.
The findings do
not show a sharp increase in the number of gays,
lesbians, and bisexuals in general. Instead, the study
suggests, people are more willing to disclose their
sexual orientation in government surveys. (The