Approximately 100
members of the Trans/Gender Variant in Prison Committee
gathered in front of the Civic Center Courthouse in San
Francisco on Monday morning to show solidarity with a
transgender female prisoner who is suing the
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for
failing to protect her from being raped repeatedly at Folsom
State Prison in 2006, according to a statement
released by the group. The protesters, dressed in red
and carrying signs, covered their mouths
"to symbolically demonstrate how our
communities' cries for help go unheard and
unheeded in prison, and how we are retaliated against for
raising our voices," the press release states.
The silent
protest was in honor of Alexis Giraldo, who allegedly
requested help from prison staff for the attacks during her
time at Folsom only to have her pleas ignored. Group
members, many of whom are also transgender survivors
of prison sexual assault and rape, are also demanding
improved measures for dealing with transgender
inmates. (The Advocate)