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Tell Us About
Your Town

Tell Us About
Your Town


As part of our Pride celebration, we're asking you to write to us and tell us what makes you proud of your hometown. Read on for details.

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As The Advocate looks forward to Pride, we're putting a call out to you. This year, we want to hear about your hometown. Tell us what you love and what you wish you could change. Describe where you go to wander and where you wouldn't be caught after dark. Share your favorite place to get a beer with friends, have a romantic dinner for two, or escape from the world for a little while. We want to hear about the people you meet and the vibe that greets you when you walk down the street. Anything goes.

What's this all about? We want to bring America's LGBT people closer together. How many times have we separated ourselves according to where we live? Coasts versus heartland, big city versus small town, gay ghetto versus mainstream suburb -- our life experiences reflect the places where we put down roots. So...what makes you proud about your hometown? Tell us -- and tell the world.

Send submissions to with "Hometown Stories" in the subject line. Selected entries will appear in our annual Pride issue; others will run here on

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