Margin Call star Zachary Quinto says he'd planned to casually discuss that he's a gay man and never imagined that the news would have such impact, according to
New York magazine.
"I knew what I was going to do and it was a very clear choice for me to do it in the way that I did it, and I'm really glad that that's the way it all unfolded," the actor said from the New York premiere of his film, which costars Kevin Spacey and Penn Badgley.
However, Quinto says he's surprised by the attention it received. "I never ever imagined that it would be -- I mean, I guess I figured people would figure it out, hear about it," he says. "But I didn't know it would be like global news! I was like, What? It was really crazy to me. People from all over the world were reaching out to me on the Internet, on Twitter. Social media makes it a lot easier now. I'm just really honored and thrilled and grateful."