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Transgender girl gets booed by crowd and bullied after winning track race at Oregon state championship

Anti-trans spectators booed as the sophomore crossed the finish line in the 200-meter race first, then later as she received her gold medal.

Pattie Gonia takes drag and fierceness to Capitol Hill to voice environmental concerns

The performer and environmental activist led a rally and march in Washington, D.C., and met with key lawmakers to push for enhanced protections for mature and old-growth forests.

A small-town cafe said it would use a queer magazine as 'kindling.' The community hit back

The publisher of SUS magazine and several community members are speaking out after a hateful incident at a Sisters Coffee Company cafe.

Oregon’s newest Republican lawmaker says LGBTQ+ support is akin to child abuse

Dwayne Yunker, the newest member of Oregon's House of Representatives, said he isn’t afraid to be called a "Christian Nationalist" or "homophonic" (sic).

Oregon Trans Inmate Alleges Abuse by Guards in Violation of Court Order

She said she was subjected to a body-cavity search by a male officer, among other humiliations.

Convicted Sex Offender Sentenced for Homophobic Attack on Naked Cyclists

The pipe-wielding man attacked the group of naked cyclists believing them to be part of a Pride month event.

Election Offices Targeted with Fentanyl-Laced Letters and Pride Flags

Suspicious letters containing fentanyl were sent to multiple states’ election offices, and the inclusion of the Progress Pride Flag raises questions about the sender’s motives.

Oregon Man Sentenced for Terror Spree Targeting LGBTQ+ People in Idaho

Matthew Alan Lehigh used his to car to attack people he perceived to be LGBTQ+.

Two Queer Youths File Suit Alleging Harassment and Abuse While in Oregon Custody

The suit alleges Oregon authorities turned a blind eye to anti-LGBTQ+ abuse by other youths and sometimes joined in the abuse.

How 3 Openly Queer Governors Are Fighting For Progressive Causes

Amidst a tense national political landscape, Govs. Polis, Healey, and Kotek champion LGBTQ+ rights, exemplifying state-led progressiveness.

15 Wondrous and Dynamic Photos from the World's Longest Drag Show

This drag-a-thon was one for the books. Literally.

Oregon Medical Clinic Received Bomb Threat After Libs of TikTok Spotlight

The clinic was highlighted a day before a bomb threat was made.

Rep. Bonamici: LGBTQ+ Seniors and Youth Most Imperiled by GOP

The Oregon congresswoman and vice chair of the House Equality Caucus details how she's protecting these vulnerable groups.

Oregon Man Stabbed to Death for Defending LGBTQ+ Friend; Arrest Made

Colin M. Smith is remembered as “one of the good ones.”

Portland Drag-a-Thon Sets World Record for Longest Drag Show

The event took a stand for an art form under attack and raised money for the Trevor Project.

Portland Will Name City Square for Legendary Drag Queen Darcelle XV

The move to honor the late performer demonstrates the Oregon city's commitment to inclusion and the LGBTQ+ community, city leaders say.

Proud Boys Members & Neo-Nazi Group Fight, Threaten Each Other

A far-right extremist street gang started fighting with a group of neo-Nazis.

Oregon Antigay Bakers' Case to Be Reviewed in Light of Supreme Court Ruling

So it begins: The Supreme Court orders a review of the discrimination finding against Aaron and Melissa Klein, who turned away a lesbian couple.

Kamala Harris Makes Historic Visit to Stonewall Inn, Vows to Fight Anti-LGBTQ+ Hate

As one of Harris’s many firsts, she is now the first sitting Vice President of the United States to visit the famed queer space.

Fox News Accused of Altering AP & Reuters Stories to Incite Anti-Trans Rage

The right-wing network has been caught engaging in high unethical behavior.
