You were a Republican?
I was a die-hard Republican before I really knew what
that meant. I put up signs for Ronald Reagan when he
ran in 1984 and later started a Teen Republican club
in my school.
What was your involvement with Mark Foley?
I was his assistant campaign manager in 1992,
when he was running for state senate. Mark was great,
a lot of fun but a hard worker. He was gregarious
too--loved meeting people.
Were you aware of his sexual identity?
Everybody knew Mark was gay. He never went out of his
way to hide it. I hadn't heard about him with
pages, though. It wouldn't have been news to me
if Mark was promiscuous, but I didn't know that it
extended to younger men.
When did you come out as a Democrat?
In 1994, right before the "conservative
revolution." I switched to the Democrats when
everyone else was switching the other way. I had gone to
Bush the elder's inauguration and saw people like Pat
Robertson and [Pat] Buchanan giving speeches, and I
just felt so alienated.
Is there a "velvet mafia" in the GOP, as
some people suggest?
I don't know if it extends to elected
officials, but there's definitely a cabal of
gay Republican staffers. There are more of them than gay
Democratic staffers. These are people who detest being
defined by their sexuality, who feel taxes and
national security are more important than basic civil
rights. They live fairly gay lives, but they don't
see gay issues as being relevant to them. It's
sort of a mass denial.
Are we looking at a gay witch hunt in the GOP?
I don't know if there's going to be a big
purge--there aren't many politicians as
careless as Mark was--but there's little doubt
the glass ceiling is going to be lowered significantly
for gays in the GOP.
How do you feel about closeted politicians?
It's wrong, and I think the media has got to stop
being complicit. The press knew about Mark
Foley's sexuality [when he voted against
same-sex marriage]. It doesn't matter if
they're good on gay issues or
not--it's relevant to the story. When they
write a story about Representative Wexler's
position on prayer in school, they always mention that
he happens to be Jewish.