Gays Sending Us Off Moral Cliff, Says Franklin Graham
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Gays Sending Us Off Moral Cliff, Says Franklin Graham
Gays Sending Us Off Moral Cliff, Says Franklin Graham
Forget the fiscal cliff; televangelist Billy Graham's son Franklin Graham says marriage equality sends us teetering on the edge of the "spiritual cliff." In a blog post last Thursday, Graham wrote that our country's financial problems "are nothing compared to the spiritual and moral cliff that is far more destructive to our nation than any economic concerns. Since the recent election, we've seen same-sex couples lining up at courthouses in several states to receive their marriage licenses, and hundreds of people gathering in public places to light up marijuana cigarettes in the states where it has just been decriminalized."
He says that these marriages are only the "tip of the iceberg," as "media-friendly gay and lesbian behavior" on TV is just a reflection of "the moral corruption that has infected our entire nation."
What does the prodigal son want you to do to fight these "dark days"? Pray, read the Old Testament, and send him money, apparently.
"Just as the Lord used an 18-year-old king to begin revival in a corrupt nation more than 1,500 years ago," Graham writes, "He can use us as we earnestly seek Him, stand for His truths, and pray for America. This is the only cure for a sin-sickened country that is about to slip into a moral abyss, and it is why we must proclaim the Good News. My hope and prayer is that the Lord will once again move in our land. It can happen, and we are trusting that a fire of revival will ignite as tens of thousands of homes are opened up this year to share the Gospel through My Hope with Billy Graham. It will be a tremendous outreach across our country, the most extensive we have conducted in the history of this ministry, and we need your prayers and financial support as we put this massive evangelistic effort together."
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