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Fox News Hosts Confused About Whether to Call Gay Man Mr. or Ms.

Right-wing extremists and Republican politicians have been obsessed with pronouns for so long that their media darlings have forgotten how to speak.

IRS Will Pay NOM to Settle Disclosure Suit

The action settles a lawsuit the antigay group had brought over the disclosure of donor names.

Satirical Song Draws Ire From Westboro

The owner of a New York gay bar knew he would get some attention for a song he wrote, but he didn't expect it would come from the very subjects of his song, members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

NOM Testifies on Capitol Hill on IRS Leak

John C. Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, said the IRS's alleged leak of tax records to the Human Rights Campaign hurt NOM's efforts.

IRS sued over sex-change deduction

After a tormented existence as a father and a construction worker, a 57-year-old suburban Boston man underwent a sex-change operation. Then she wrote off the $25,000 in medical expenses on her taxes. But the IRS disallowed the deduction, ruling the procedure was cosmetic, not a medical necessity.

Morrissey Sparks Ire After Defending Spacey, Weinstein

The sexually ambiguous pop star is known for being a contrarian, but defending an alleged rapist and a man accused of preying on a 14-year-old was too far for some.

'Enemies of Equality' Report Draws Liberty Counsel's Ire

Freedom for All Americans charts the interlocking relationships of anti-LGBT groups, and Liberty Counsel protests, especially against conservative LGBT rights supporter Paul Singer.

WATCH: Antigay Ad Raises Ire in Colorado Springs

A minister's full-page newspaper ad denouncing the 'homosexual agenda' is nothing more than hatemongering, say some local residents.

NOM Wants IRS Probed for Released Donor Information

Leaders behind the antigay National Organization for Marriage say they believe IRS employees released their donor information to the press.

IRS Revokes Antigay Groups Tax Exempt Status

The IRS revoked tax-exempt status for Americans for Truth About Homosexuality last year after it failed to file multiple required forms for three consecutive years, Ex-Gay Watch reports. (Pictured: AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera)

Georgia gubernatorial candidate faces ire of gay voters

Gay voters in Georgia are threatening to boycott the state's upcoming Democratic gubernatorial primary after Cathy Cox, one of the two candidates, reversed position and announced her support for a special legislative session to reinstate the state's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

Georgetown's LGBT Student Housing Draws Right-Wing Ire

The space, to open in the fall, is designed for students exploring issues of gender and sexual orientation, and the far right claims the Georgetown is abandoning its Catholic roots.

Antigay Teacher Raises Ire of Reality Star, Susan Sarandon

A Facebook posting creates a mini-firestorm.

IRS: No Matter Which State, Same-Sex Marriages Recognized

As the U.S. government implements the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA, legally wed same-sex couples will be able to file their federal taxes as such.

Prince George Loves Ballet, and 'GMA' Laughter Draws Twitter Ire

Were the GMA hosts laughing at the child's love of ballet, his overscheduled childhood, or both?


'Black-ish' Draws Right-Wing Ire for Attacking Antigay Bakers

The ABC comedy series took a stand against anti-LGBT discrimination, angering some "religious freedom" proponents.

Carrie Underwood's Performance at Christian Event Draws Religious Right's Ire

The homophobic American Family Association lambastes organizers for hosting the LGBT-friendly singer.

NOM Loses Again, This Time In IRS Suit

The ruling in the National Organization for Marriage's case against the Internal Revenue Service is another in a string of legal setbacks for the antigay group.