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It's now illegal for Minnesota  libraries to ban LGBTQ+ books under this new law

The North Star State has officially banned book bans.

Book ban attempts surge to record highs in 2023

The number of titles targeted rose 65 percent over 2022, according to the American Library Association.

Georgia Senate passes bill banning American Library Association from state libraries

The bill’s sponsors blamed the group’s new “Marxist lesbian” president for the legislation.

West Virginia Republicans want to prosecute 'pedophile librarians' over 'obscene' material

Not sure what constitutes "obscene matter?" Neither are the West Virginia Republicans who wrote a new bill seeking to prosecute educators for spreading it.

Far right accuses Oreos of 'grooming' because the company supports PFLAG

The National Legal and Policy Center has released an incendiary video about the Oreo brand and PFLAG. It asks, “Is your favorite cookie company grooming children?”

Utah Gov. signs anti-trans bathroom bill, which advocates say is 'harassment in the most private of settings'

HB 257 defines a “women’s bathroom” and “men’s bathroom” as spaces exclusively designated for females and males, and includes criminal penalties for those found in violation.

Idaho Republicans push bill that could label gay book characters 'sexually explicit'

On a day celebrating civil rights, Idaho’s House Committee on State Affairs moves to restrict LGBTQ+ literature in schools and libraries.

Pennsylvania Library Director Resigns After Board Removes Issues of 'Out,' the LGBTQ+ Magazine

Justin Brown quit working for the Northern Cambria Public Library following a heated debate with the library board over the unilateral removal of Out, sparking discussions on censorship and representation in public libraries.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Appoints Homophobe to Arkansas Library Board

Jason Rapert, a former state senator, has condemned "the radical homosexual movement" and "LGBTQ insanity."

Kansas Library Removes LGBTQ+ Books in Order to Keep Lease

St. Marys Public Library yielded to city commission demands influenced by the Society of St. Pius X, an anti-LGBTQ+ group, which has sparked concerns over censorship of LGBTQ+ content.

Moms for Liberty and Florida Teacher Schemed to Manipulate Student Book Controversy

An Escambia County teacher reportedly collaborated with Moms for Liberty to get a student to check out a book the group called pornographic.

Florida School District Bans All LGBTQ+ Books From K-8 Libraries

The policy appears at odds with “don’t say gay” laws, but the district claims there’s a loophole.

Bomb Threats Target LGBTQ+ Events Across the U.S. Over the Weekend

A sinister pattern has emerged as multiple cities witness threats against LGBTQ-friendly events.

Virginia Library Temporarily Avoids Closing Over LGBTQ+ Books Controversy

A temporary lifeline for Samuels Public Library fuels a broader struggle over free speech, discrimination, and community values as residents and officials clash over LGBTQ+ books.

Kansas Librarians Sue After Being Fired Over Autism Display Mistaken for LGBTQ+ Support

They intended to support autism awareness and neurodiversity, but were fired because conservatives in town thought their colorful display supported the LGBTQ+ community.

Missouri Local GOP Chair Tried to Block Gay Pastor’s Library Board Reappointment

He gave the nonpartisan town council and mayor an ultimatum to exclude the gay pastor.

Virginia Mom Gives Impassioned Defense of LGBTQ+ Library Books: Video

This is the type of allyship that deserves a standing ovation.


This Small Virginia Town Could Lose Its Library Over LGBTQ+ Book Brawl

Some conservative parents are claiming books with LGBTQ+ themes are essentially pornography.


California Library Gets Bomb Threat After Kicking Out Transphobic Group

After a library official kicked out a speaker who kept misgendering trans women and video of the incident got spread online, somebody called in a bomb threat.

Opponents of Book Bans Outnumber Conservatives at New Mexico Library Meeting

Supporters of LGBTQ+ book bans called for a protest but instead opponents of such bans showed up in large numbers.