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the chapel

The Abbey, the Iconic Gay WeHo Bar, Has Been Sold

The sale ensures the landmark queer gathering space remains with family.

Going to the Chapel, Again

Meet four same-sex couples who took the plunge in San Francisco in 2004 and learn why they can't wait to walk down the aisle one more time.

Students Accused of Tagging Chapel With Swastika, 'Trump'

The two are accused of spray-painting Northwestern University's chapel with racist and antigay slurs, a swastika, images of penises, and the word "Trump."

Why Transphobic Comics Maher, Gervais, Chapelle Are Unfunny Dinosaurs

Once considered edgy thought-leaders, the three loudest anti-trans comics of late have failed to change with the times.

Anatomy of a Right-Wing Lie: No Threat to Wedding Chapel

The fear that the owners of an Idaho wedding chapel would be forced to host same-sex weddings is much ado about nothing.

First Same Sex Couple Weds at West Point Chapel

A 53-year-old lesbian grad of West Point marries at her alma matter.

Students Rally Behind Ousted Trans Professor at Calif. Christian College

Members of Azusa Pacific University's gay-straight alliance, Haven, wore shirts and carried banners declaring 'We Stand With Adam' before and after the daily chapel service on campus.

Bloomberg Blasts Amendment One in Commencement Address

"Last week's referendum banning same-sex marriage shows just how much more work needs to be done to ensure freedom and equality for all people," Bloomberg said during a Sunday commencement address at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Another Colorado pastor resigns amid gay sex scandal

Just weeks after the evangelical Christian world was shaken by the gay sex scandal surrounding megachurch leader Ted Haggard, the founding pastor of a second Colorado church has resigned over gay sex allegations.

As Fla. Marries, Catholic Archbishop Threatens 'Discipline'

Some religious leaders in Florida aren't feeling sunny about marriage equality, including the Catholic archbishop of Miami, who said staff could be dismissed for supporting the cause.