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United Kingdom

Who is Britain’s new prime minister Keir Starmer and what's his LGBTQ+ rights record?

Here's what we know about the man who trounced the current political structure in the U.K., and delivered his political party out of the opposition for the first time in more than 10 years.

Ambassador Karen Pierce discusses Capital Pride parade and UK's LGBTQ+ advocacy

“I think it’s important to get to know all sorts of people,” she told The Advocate.

Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality is sentenced: 'This is a breach of my human rights'

Forty-four-year-old Manuel Guerrero Aviña was detained in February after being entrapped by law enforcement through a fake Grindr profile, his family says.

Even J.K. Rowling's family didn't want to hear her transphobia: 'Begging me not to speak'

Tired of hearing Rowling's bigotry? The author recently admitted that her loved ones were too.

The 'largest bi+ event in the world' is happening this year. Here's when and where

The event will fittingly occur in a location special to Queen singer and bisexual icon Freddie Mercury.

Hilary Cass' NHS report is rife with debunked theories and falsehoods

The recent NHS report from Dr. Hilary Cass isn't the take-down of gender-affirming care that conservatives want it to be.

British gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar is almost out of HIV medicine, family says (exclusive)

Manuel Guerrero, 44, is banned from leaving the country and is about to run out of antiretroviral medication, his brother Enrique tells The Advocate.

J.K. Rowling stoops even lower, mocks hate-crime law & dares police to arrest her

Oh, and the British Prime Minister defended her behavior.

13 LGBTQ+ British Royals in History

Historians have pegged several as likely members of the community, and in the 21st century at least one is out and proud.


White House, LGBTQ+ community express support after Princess Kate reveals shocking cancer diagnosis

In a deeply personal video, Princess Catherine shared her struggle with cancer, sparking a wave of support from the White House to a pub in D.C.

Hadrian's Wall declared as historic LGBTQ+ landmark by British cultural society

English Heritage recently said that one of the most prominent relics of the Roman Empire is “linked to England’s queer history."

D.C.'s popular Little Gay Pub gets new 'GREAT Love' mural thanks to British Embassy

In collaboration with the British Embassy, the vibrant mural is a beacon of LGBTQ+ pride and community spirit at the trendy spot.

Martina Navratilova Says Transgender Women Can’t Be Lesbians

The out tennis legend continues to make anti-transgender comments.

George Michael Wanted to Make ‘Hardcore Porn’ Version of 1998 Music Video

The director of several of Michael’s videos made the revelation in a new documentary.

'Red, White, Royal Blue': First Images of Upcoming Gay Romance Film

A British prince and the U.S.'s First Son fall in love in the new movie.

'The World's Smallest Pride Parade'

How one street comes together to celebrate their LGBTQ+ neighbors.

Archaeologists Say They Found a 2,000-Year-Old Penis-Shaped Sex Toy

After realizing that they filed it away incorrectly, researchers believed they had a sex toy and not a mending tool on their hands.

U.K. Will Introduce Ban on Conversion Therapy

The new legislation will include treatment directed at trans people, reversing last year's announcement that this would be excluded.