Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock is the newest domino to fall amid the #MeToo movement, but unexpectedly, at his own hands. In a tweet on Wednesday, the Super Size Me star admitted to having been accused of rape, among other sexual offenses.
"As I sit around watching hero after hero, man after man, fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don't sit by and wonder, Who will be next? I wonder, When will they come for me?" Spurlock wrote in his article, I am Part of The Problem. "If I'm going truly represent myself as someone who has built a career on finding the truth, then it's time for me to be truthful as well.
In the memo, Spurlock details his experience with rape accusations in college from another classmate, who did not file charges.
"When I was in college, a girl who I hooked up with on a one night stand accused me of rape. Not outright. There were no charges or investigations, but she wrote about the instance in a short story writing class and called me by name. A female friend who was in the class told be about it afterwards. I was floored. 'That's not what happened!' I told her. This wasn't how I remembered it at all. In my mind, we'd been drinking all night and went back to my room. We began fooling around, she pushed me off, then we laid in the bed and talked and laughed some more, and then began fooling around again. We took off our clothes. She said she didn't want to have sex, so we laid together, and talked, and kissed, and laughed, and then we started having sex."
The filmmaker described how he stopped having intercourse after his partner started crying. He also admitted to settling a sexual harassment case eight years ago with a former assistant he referred to as "hot pants" and "sex pants," after she threatened to go public with her experience.
Later in the piece, Spurlock offers excuses for his misconduct, asking:
"What caused me to act this way? Is it all ego? Or was it the sexual abuse I suffered as a boy and as a young man in my teens? Abuse that I only ever told to my first wife, for fear of being seen as weak or less than a man? Is it because my father left my mother when I was child? Or that she believed he never respected her, so that disrespect carried over into their son? Or is it because I've consistently been drinking since the age of 13?"
Unfortunately, none of these qualify as a legal defense for raping a woman. The Internet also thinks Spurlock's admission is a non-apology, and is wondering if this is a stunt for his next documentary film.