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Lesbian Web comic
strip wins grant for print version

Lesbian Web comic
strip wins grant for print version

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The artist of "YU+ME," a lesbian-themed manga Web comic strip, has recently won a grant to produce a print version. Megan Gedris will receive a $1,000 Queer Press Grant, which was funded by out "Jane's World" creator Paige Braddock, with a matching amount from Prism Comics.

"YU+ME" follows the life of Fiona, an unpopular girl at West Catholic High whose ins and outs with Sister Mary are suddenly forgotten when Lia moves in next door. She's confused by her growing feelings for Lia but receives help from Jake, a gay boy she helps rescue from bullies.

"Thanks to Prism Comics, I'm achieving the dream I've had since I was 10," Gedris said in a press release. "The dream I gave up on because it seemed so impossible. I'm going to be a comic book artist. So what am I using this money for? Crankin' out some good lesbian comics and getting people to read them!"

Gedris, 20, grew up in Grand Rapids, Mich., and began her comics career in 2002 under the alias Anonymous Manga, creating works about gay boys to "throw people off my trail." But after coming out and not seeing much in the way of good lesbian comics, she created "YU+ME." She has won Platinum Studios' "Comic Book Challenge" for another project, the pulp homage I Was Kidnapped by Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!!

Prism Comics established the Queer Press Grant to encourage LGBT creators to self-publish LGBT-themed comics. (The Advocate)

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