Radio Stations Pull Ke$ha's Party Anthem 'Die Young'
Radio Stations Pull Ke$ha's Party Anthem 'Die Young'

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Radio Stations Pull Ke$ha's Party Anthem 'Die Young'
Radio Stations Pull Ke$ha's Party Anthem 'Die Young'
Singer Ke$ha apologized for her song "Die Young" after radio stations pulled the song in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., tragedy last week.
The song dropped from number 1 on the Billboard pop chart to number 2 after an 11% decrease in plays over the last several days, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
"I'm so so so sorry for anyone who has been affected by this tragedy," she wrote on Twitter Tuesday, "and I understand why my song is now inappropriate. Words cannot express."
The bisexual singer added that she was forced to sing the lyrics, but that tweet has since been taken down.
Steve Jones, the vice president of programming for 82-station Canadian radio company Newcap Radio, told Rolling Stone that his company decided not to play the song for at least a week. Starting Friday, stations will be able to decide whether they want to resume playing the song. The company also pulled Foster the People's "Pumped Up Kicks," Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun," and the Offspring's "Come Out and Play."
"Ultimately, 'Die Young' has, content-wise, nothing to do with what happened," Jones said. "But a lot of us went, 'That doesn't feel right, to be even saying the words "Die Young" right now on the radio.'"
"Die Young" is featured on Ke$ha's latest album, Warrior, which was released November 30.