Fox News host Tucker Carlson has a history of making anti-LGBTQ statements, but a recent audio dump of his appearances on a shock jock radio show between 2006 and 2011 reveals that he also liked to throw the f word around.
Media Matters for America released audio of an appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge's eponymous radio show in which Carlson and the host both used the gay epithet.
"Tuck, do you like coming on with us? 'Cause I like you. I'm not trying to fag out on you or nothing, but I like you," Bubba the Love Sponge said.
"Well, I like you too, and I mean that," Carlson told the host. "You always say 'I mean that in a non-fag way,' but I actually mean it in a completely f****t way."
The antigay slur is just the latest in a long string of hateful statements Carlson made on the radio show that Media Matters has released.
Audio released over the weekend highlighted Carlson's misogyny. He called women "primitive," Hillary Clinton "anti-penis," referred to Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis Stewart as "cunty," called Arianna Huffington a "pig," and slammed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan as unattractive. He also defended statutory rape and cosigned on wanting to watch underage girls have sex with each other.
The revelation that Carlson dropped the f word is unsurprising considering his past comments about LGBTQ people. On Tuesday, GLAAD sent out a press release that catalogs Carlson's anti-LGBTQ history that includes his bragging about beating up a gay man in a bathroom, calling LGBTQ curricula in schools "propaganda," and terrorizing Pulse shooting survivor Brandon Wolf on air.
"There's no mistaking it: Tucker Carlson's words continue to be ugly, inaccurate, and un-American, and it further highlights why his platform is divisive and destructive to the American fabric," GLAAD president and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. "Carlson's pattern of peddling misinformation about marginalized communities, including LGBTQ Americans, is simply unethical and should carry no oxygen in this country. Fox News should take action and other advertisers should stand with marginalized communities by ending support of this derogatory programming."