In a press
conference Thursday, White House press secretary Tony Snow
issued the first comments the Bush administration has made
about the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy
regarding gay and lesbian service members.
Snow is quoted by
U.S. Newswire as saying that the policy is
"well-established," adding, "I will defer all questions
about military personnel policies to the Department of
Defence." When the Department of Defense was
questioned about the policy, it indicated that it
would defer to Congress on the issue. However, Republican
senator John McCain of Arizona recently seemed to
indicate that he would support a change to the current
policy only if the armed forces vocalized a need for
C. Dixon Osburn,
executive director of Servicemembers Legal Defense
Network, an advocacy group for gay and lesbian service
personnel, in a recent statement criticized this
"Keystone cops approach to leadership," saying, "Our
men and women in uniform deserve better."
According to the
Urban Institute, as quoted by U.S. Newswire, there are 1
million lesbian and gay veterans in the United States, and
since its adoption in 1993 the "don't ask, don't tell"
policy has resulted in 11,000 gay and lesbian service
personnel being dismissed from the armed services.
(The Advocate)