One hundred and five finalists in 22 categories are vying for top honors from the Lambda Literary Foundation.
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One hundred and five finalists in 22 categories are vying for top honors from the Lambda Literary Foundation.
One hundred and five finalists in 22 categories are vying for top honors from the Lambda Literary Foundation. The organization asks a panel of 80 judges of authors, book sellers, librarians, and journalists to select the top book in each of the categories. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on May 28 in New York.
The full list of nominees:
Open , Jenny Block, Seal Press Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love & Desire , Lisa M. Diamond, Harvard University Press The Bishop's Daughter , Honor Moore, W.W. Norton Kinsey Zero Through Sixty: Bisexual Perspectives on Kinsey, Ron Jackson Suresha, Taylor & Francis Journals Rimbaud, Edmund White, Atlas & Company
10,000 Dresses, Marcus Ewert & Rex Ray, Seven Stories Press Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word) , Thea Hillman, Manic D Press Two Truths and a Lie, Scott Schofield, Homofactus Press Boy With Flowers , Ely Shipley, Barrow Street Press Transgender History , Susan Stryker, Seal Press
A Casualty of War: Gay Short Fiction, Peter Burton, Arcadia Books Live Through This, edited by Sabrina Chapadjiev, Seven Stories Press Love, West Hollywood , edited by Chris Freeman and James J. Berg, Alyson Our Caribbean, edited by Thomas Glave, Duke University Press Big Trips: More Good Gay Travel Writing , edited by Raphael Kadushin, University of Wisconsin Press
Hit the Road, Manny: A Manny Files Novel , Christian Burch, Simon and Schuster Out of the Pocket, Bill Konigsberg, Dutton How They Met & Other Stories, David Levithan, Knopf Children's Books Mousetraps, Pat Schmetz, Carolrhoda Books What They Always Tell Us, Martin Wilson, Random House Children's Books Love & Lies: Marisol's Story, Ellen Wittlinger, Simon and Schuster
Phi Alpha Gamma, Dan Bernitt, Sawyer House Radical Acts: Collected Political Plays , Martin Duberman, The New Press The Second Coming of Joan of Arc, Carolyn Gage, Outskirts Press Two Truths and a Lie , Scott Schofield, Homofactus Press Vile Affections, Vanda, Original Works Publishing
Me as Her Again, Nancy Agabian, Aunt Lute Books If I Could Write This in Fire, Michelle Cliff, University of Minnesota Press Dishonorable Passions: Sodomy Laws in America 1861-2003 , William N. Eskridge Jr, Penguin Group Beyond (Straight & Gay) Marriage, Nancy Polikoff, Beacon Press Loving the Difficult, Jane Rule, Hedgerow Press Drifting Toward Love, Kai Wright, Beacon Press
The Archer's Heart, Astrid Amara, Blind Eye Books The Magician and the Fool, Barth Anderson, Bantam Del Rey Wilde Stories 2008, Steve Berman, Lethe Press Sea, Swallow Me and Other Stories, Craig Gidney, Lethe Press Turnskin , Nicole Kimberling, Blind Eye Books
Tomboys: A Literary & Cultural History, Michelle Ann Abate, Temple University Press The Dividends of Dissent: How Conflict and Culture Work in Lesbian and Gay Marches on Washington, Amin Ghaziani, The University of Chicago Press Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality, Regina Kunzel, The University of Chicago Press Political Manhood: Red Bloods, Mollycoddles, & the Politics of Progressive Reform, Kevin P. Murphy, Columbia University Press Screening Sex, Linda Williams, Duke University Press
Red Audrey & the Roping, Jill Malone, Bywater Books Passing for Black, Linda Villarosa, Kensington Closer to Fine, Meri Weiss, Kensington Love Does Not Make Me Gentle or Kind, Chavisa Woods, Fly by Night Press The Bruise, Magdalena Zurawski, Fiction Collective Two/University of Alabama Press
Lipstick on Her Collar, Sacchi Green and Rakelle Valencia, Pretty Things Press Periphery: Erotic Lesbian Futures, Lynne Jamneck, Lethe Press In Deep Waters 2: Cruising the Strip, Radclyffe and Karen Kallmaker, Bold Strokes Books
The Slow Fix, Ivan E. Coyole, Arsenal Pulp Press The Sealed Letter , Emma Donoghue, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Map of Ireland , Stephanie Grant, Scribner All the Pretty Girls, Chandra Mayor, Conundrum Press Breaking Spirit Bridge , Ruth Perkinson, Spinsters Ink
Wrestling With the Angel of Democracy, Susan Griffin, Shambhala Publications Intersex (for Lack of a Better Word) , Thea Hillman, Manic D Press Sex Variant Woman, Joanne Passet, Da Capo Sex Talks to Girls: A Memoir, Maureen Seaton, University of Arkansas Press Case of a Lifetime, Abbe Smith, Palgrave Macmillan
Blind Faith, Diane and Jacob Anderson-Minshall, Bold Strokes Books Whacked, Josie Gordon, Bella Books Sweet Poison , Ellen Hart, St. Martin's Press Losers Weepers, Jessica Thomas, Bella Books Calling the Dead, Ali Vali, Bold Strokes Books
Interpretive Work, Elizabeth Bradfield, Arktoi / Red Hen Press Kissing Dead Girls, Daphne Gottlieb, Soft Skull Press love belongs to those who do the feeling, Judy Grahn, Red Hen Press Same Life, Maureen N. McLane, Farrar, Straus and Giroux Two Minutes of Light, Nancy K. Pearson, Perugia Press
Finding Home, Georgia Beers, Bold Stroked Books A Pirate's Heart, Catherine Friend, Bold Strokes Books The Kiss That Counted, Karin Kallmaker, Bella Books Hotel Liaison , JLee Meyer, Bold Strokes Books The Lonely Hearts Club, Radclyffe, Bold Strokes Books
Shuck, Daniel Allen Cox, Arsenal Pulp Press Light Fell, Evan Fallenberg, Soho Press The Screwed-Up Life of Charlie the Second, Drew Ferguson, Kensington The Steve Machine, Mike Hoolboom, Coach House Books Finlater, Shawn Ruff, Quote Editions
The Secret Tunnel, James Lear, Cleis Press Hard Working Men, William Maltese, Victor J. Banis, Jardonn Smith, & J.P. Bowie, MLR Press
Stray Dog Winter, David Francis, Macadam/Cage Publishing The Torturer's Wife, Thomas Glave, City Light Publishers We Disappear, Scott Heim, HarperCollins The Conversion, Joseph Olshan, St. Martin's Press The Boomerang Kid, Jay Quinn, Alyson
Bringing Him Home, Aaron Cooper, Late August Press Swish , Joel Derfner, Broadway Books Assisted Loving, Bob Morris, HarperCollins Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love, Sheila Rowbotham, Verso Books King of Shadows, Aaron Shurin, City Lights Publishers
The Fisher Boy , Stephen Anable, Poisoned Pen Press Sundowner Ubuntu, Anthony Bidulka, Insomniac Press Mahu Fire, Neil Plakcy, Alyson Books First You Fall, Scott Sherman, Alyson Books Spider Season, John Morgan Wilson, St. Martin's Press
Want , Rick Barot, Sarabande Press Please , Jericho Brown, New Issues Fire to Fire, Mark Doty, HarperCollins Now You're the Enemy, James Allen Hall, University of Arkansas Press My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer, Jack Spicer, edited by Peter Gizzi & Kevin Killian, Wesleyan University Press
Mexican Heat , Laura Baumbach & Josh Lanyon, MLR Press Got 'til it's Gone , Larry Duplechan, Arsenal Pulp Press The Protector, N.L. Gassert, Seventh Window Publications