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Democrats Introduce Bill to Make PrEP Available to More Americans

White Republicans have targeted PrEP access in an attempt to limit what insurance companies cover, Democrats are trying to expand access to the life saving drugs.

Transphobic Voices Elevated in Media Coverage of Equality Act

Several media outlets failed to include any LGBTQ+ voices, while some quoted transphobic rhetoric without context, a GLAAD analysis finds.

Threat to Affordable Care Act's Preventive Coverage Puts Public Health at Risk

A federal judge’s ruling in Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra. is a deeply flawed decision that flies in the face of sound public health policy, according to the American Medical Association's president.

Trans healthcare, abortion, & more: These are the LGBTQ+ laws that took effect January 1

Here are the biggest pieces of legislation for bodily autonomy that are now in the law of the land.

Texas Federal Judge: Companies Not Required to Cover PrEP

The judge says that although PrEP prevents HIV regardless of one’s sexual orientation, because gay people use it, it violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


Sen. Kamala Harris Introducing Bill to Mandate PrEP Coverage

Harris wants both public and private insurers to cover Truvada for PrEP without a co-pay. She also proposes grants to help the uninsured.

Why Did California Gov. Gavin Newsom Veto Pro-LGBTQ+ Bills...Again?

The Democrat is known as a strong LGBTQ+ ally, but he objected to some aspects of the legislation.

Trans People Less Likely to Have Needed Health Care

Trans people are less likely to have doctors, insurance, and dental care.

Two New Studies Show Reality of Trans People's Health Challenges

And with repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the situation could get far worse.

Judge Slams Hobby Lobby's Transphobic Environment

Last year activists worried that the Supreme Court's ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby opened the door to discrimination — but in one trans employee’s case, the bias was already occurring. 

Two SCOTUS Rulings Uphold Right to Discriminate Against LGBTQ+ People

Rulings involving religious employers have broad negative implications for LGBTQ+ Americans.

George Takei Wants You to Boycott Hobby Lobby

As usual, Takei is right on. Plus: other places you may want to boycott.

North Carolina's Gender-Affirming Care Ban for Transgender Youth Faces Legal Challenge

A new Lambda Legal lawsuit alleges HB 808’s ban on gender-affirming care for minors violates Constitution and Affordable Care Act rights.

Feds Change Rules, Offer Benefits for Kids of Domestic Partners

The new rule applies to children of federal employees who are in same-sex domestic partnerships but live in states where marriage is not an option.

Religious Right Overjoyed by 'License to Discriminate'

The Trump administration's Friday actions may have appalled others, but members of the religious right are thrilled.

Q&A;: Thomas Roberts on MSNBC's LGBT Coverage

The out anchor talks trans inclusion, answers critics, and discusses the possibility of an LGBT-focused show.

Pride: Why This Year Is Different

We can't just celebrate this year -- we must #RESISTHate, writes Rick Zbur of Equality California.

Our Next President Must Continue Obama's LGBT Legacy

Obama fought hard for us, and Hillary Clinton -- presuming she wins -- needs to continue the momentum.

Op-ed: When Womanhood Comes at a Deadly Price

The death of one transgender woman is a jarring example of how health care is still out of reach for many.