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Gay activist and philanthropist Bruce Bastian dies at 76

Bastian, cofounder of WordPerfect, left the Mormon Church as a young adult and dedicated himself to LGBTQ+ causes.

Utah's bathroom snitch line hasn't found one legitimate complaint out of 12,000

Utah's anti-transgender bathroom snitch line has gotten over 12,000 complaints — only five were investigated, and none turned up anything.

Utah auditor slams legislature for making him 'bathroom monitor' after 'snitch form' flooded with memes

After receiving thousands of meme submissions to a form used to report transgender people in bathrooms, Utah's auditor shared scathing words for the legislature tasking him with the role.

Utah launches 'snitch line' to report trans people in bathrooms; memes flood In

The move is the latest in a series of states that have tried to launch ways to report transgender issues to authorities; such attempts in other states have not been successful.

Anti-DEI laws are forcing universities to grapple with a mass exodus of LGBTQ+ professors: study

New Williams Institute study finds an alarming number of professors in higher education considering leaving their states or the profession because of Republican laws.

Megyn Kelly’s latest conspiracy theory about student furries at Utah Middle School debunked

The far-right media personality spread the false claim that kids were dressing up and biting each other in schools, according to a fact-check.

Wilson Cruz aims to 'change minds and hearts' with new docuseries about queer Mormon teens

The six-episode series, Not Part of the Plan, spans across two years, following four young members of Utah’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

DOJ sues Utah for discriminating against incarcerated trans woman who self-castrated

People with gender dysphoria are protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act, said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke, and their rights "are not given up at the jailhouse door."

Police arrest 3 teens for allegedly kidnapping and killing young trans man, dumping his body in the desert

Alex Franco, 21, was shot and killed outside the home of his girlfriend, police say.

Utah violated rights of trans woman inmate who performed surgery on herself, DOJ finds

The Utah corrections department strongly disagreed with the finding, saying it was “blindsided” by the timing and had been working to resolve identified issues.

Utah House votes down bill banning Pride flags in classrooms

Detractors said the bill was vaguely worded and violated the rights of teachers.

Utah governor condemns, censures transphobic school board member

The embattled member wrongly suggested a high school “tomboy” was trans, which led to a number of hate-filled posts directed at the student.

Utah student athlete threatened after school board member implies she's trans

The student's parents are calling on Natalie Cline to resign from the Utah State Board of Education.

Utah Gov. signs anti-trans bathroom bill, which advocates say is 'harassment in the most private of settings'

HB 257 defines a “women’s bathroom” and “men’s bathroom” as spaces exclusively designated for females and males, and includes criminal penalties for those found in violation.

Utah parent accuses girl's basketball player of being trans, gets banned from games

Utah's anti-transgender laws are putting even children who aren't trans in jeopardy.

Two Americas for queer people: HRC report finds stark differences in LGBTQ+ rights at the state level

It was the worst year ever for anti-LGBTQ+ state legislation, but there were some significant victories.

Utah lawmakers pass terrifying anti-transgender bathroom policing bill

The Republican governor now has to decide whether he will sign into law the bill that limit transgender people’s ability to go to which bathroom.

Utah House passes bill that restricts all trans people's use of bathrooms in the state — and threatens jail

H.B. 257 would not only ban transgender folks from many public facilities but also call for jail time.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate: Government should stay out of LGBTQ+ issues

That's the word from Brent Hatch, son of the late Sen. Orrin Hatch, who's running to succeed Mitt Romney.

Pornhub blocks access in two states after age verification laws take effect

Viewers in North Carolina and Montana are no longer able to access Pornhub as the platform protests the states' age verification laws.