Meth program, supported by Chicago health department, aims to help crystal addicts.
February 13 2006 3:31 PM EST
February 13 2006 7:00 PM EST
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Meth program, supported by Chicago health department, aims to help crystal addicts.
Chicago's Howard Brown Health Center, which provides care to the city's gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender residents as well as HIV patients, last week launched Crystal Clear, an outpatient treatment program for crystal methamphetamine users and addicts, the Windy City Times reports. Participants in the program will spend at least nine hours each week in sessions designed to combat the physical and psychological reasons why they abuse the drug.
Because the program is funded by the Chicago Department of Public Health, it is open to anyone regardless of their ability to pay, says Howard Brown executive director Michael Cook. The health department will provide $567,000 for the program over the next three years.
"Crystal meth is a demon," Cook told the Times. "Ultimately, its victims experience dependence, depression, health problems, impaired sexual function, occupational problems, the loss of valued relationships, and sometimes death. As community leaders, we have the obligation to work together."
For more information on the program, go online to or call (773) 388-8891. (