percent of likely Wisconsin voters favor a state
constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, while
40% oppose the measure, according to a statewide poll
released Friday. But the poll, paid for WISC TV of
Madison and conducted by Research 2000, showed that
12% were not sure.
And the telephone
poll of 600 likely voters, conducted Monday through
Wednesday, was listed as having a margin of error of plus or
minus four percentage points.
The amendment
would declare that marriage is between one man and one
woman and that unmarried individuals cannot be granted a
legal status similar to marriage, such as civil unions
pioneered by Vermont.
It has been
approved in two consecutive legislative sessions and needs
only voter approval on November 7 to take effect. The poll
showed that men who responded favored the amendment
51% to 38%, with 11% not sure; women favor it 45% to
42%, with 13% not sure.
Democrats polled
opposed the amendment 52% to 39%, with 9% not sure;
Republicans favored it 65% to 20%, with 15% unsure; and
independents opposed it 50% to 38%, with 12% not sure.