Project Inform
announced it will honor Martin Delaney for his 23 years of
leadership in the fight against HIV and AIDS in San
Francisco on the evening of June 19. The event will be
held at the Green Room in the San Francisco War
Memorial Building.
Delaney is the
founder of Project Inform, a prominent nonprofit AIDS
service agency. Delaney led Project Inform from its
formation in 1985 until January of 2007.
Delaney has been
a key figure in helping to bring effective HIV
treatments to market. He is a leader of the movement to
accelerate FDA approval of promising drugs and was a
key player in the development of today's widely
used Accelerated Approval regulations and Parallel Track
system for providing experimental drugs to seriously ill
people preceding formal approval by the Food and Drug
"The June
19 event represents a great opportunity for the community to
recognize Marty for his role in advancing HIV treatment, as
well as in educating hundreds of thousands of people
living with HIV about how and when to best address HIV
infection," said Dana Van Gorder, executive
director of Project Inform, in a press release for the
Information about
the June 19 event honoring Delaney is available by
calling (415) 558-8669 ext. 211 or e-mailing Henry Lucero at (The Advocate)