Accused murderer Harlow Cuadra is expected to take the stand Monday and discuss the events leading up to the 2007 slaying of Cobra Video founder Brian Kocis.
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Accused murderer Harlow Cuadra is expected to take the stand Monday and discuss the events leading up to the 2007 slaying of Cobra Video founder Brian Kocis.
Harlow Cuadra, the former porn producer and hustler who is accused of the brutal murder of Cobra Video founder Brian Kocis, is expected to take the stand Monday and discuss the events leading up to Kocis's 2007 death.
In the trial court in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., prosecutors Monday morning played taped conversations between Cuadra, business partner Joseph Keredes, and porn star Brent Corrigan. Cudara is alleged to discuss Kocis in the conversations, which were taped on a nude beach in San Diego in April 2007 -- three months after Kocis was killed. Jurors will hear more of the tapes this afternoon.
Corrigan and business partner Grant Roy took part in taping the conversations with Cuadra and Kerekes as part of a police investigation, according to CitizensVoice.com .
Gay-porn star Brent Corrigan testified in court Friday that he was approached by Cuadra on MySpace -- to ask about producing a film together.
Cuadra is accused of killing Kocis in an attempt to lure 22-year-old Corrigan away from Cobra Video. Kocis was found dead at his Pennsylvania home in January 2007 -- he had been stabbed 28 times, and a fire set to his home burned his body beyond recognition.
Kerekes, also charged in Kocis's death, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in December and is serving a life sentence in prison.
Corrigan had performed in several titles for Cobra Video before he turned 18 and until early last year was still entangled in a litigious feud over the use of his stage name with Cobra. According to reports, Cuadra and Kerekes wanted to make a "million-dollar" adult film starring with Corrigan.
An episode of the here! Networks series Everything You Wanted to Know About Gay Porn Stars focuses on Harlow Cuadra and his life leading up to the trial. You can view it on the network or in its entirety here.
The trial, which started on Tuesday, February 24, is expected to last about three weeks. Attorneys interviewed 122 potential jurors for the case over a five-day selection process. Kerekes is serving a life sentence in prison after pleading guilty for murdering Kocis.
Cobra's webmaster Alexander Fuente testified that Kocis received emails two days before his murder from someone by the name of Danny Moilin who wanted to audition for a Cobra film. Photos of Moilin looked like Cuadra.